474 15 4

Word Count: 490


The next day - ISOBELS P.O.V

I walked into school with Draco, I hadn't talked to or seen George since the argument so I knew that I needed to talk to him, or try to at least.

I fell asleep with my head on Draco's shoulder on the train ride there, last night was amazing but also long.

Me and Draco had a couple classes together, thankfully. He was really the only person I had at this point.

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt a light tapping in my shoulder.

"Belly...Belly.. wake up." Draco whispered. I had fallen asleep in class...again.

My next class I had George so hopefully I would be able to talk to him.

I tried to approach him but Hermione stepped in front of me

"Your not going to want to do that" she said.

"Oh what Hermione because I'm dating Draco?" she looked at me puzzled which made me want to take what I said back

"No, George is just not in good spirit, Ron's told me all about it, he hadn't barely come out of his room all break. He's only going to Hogwarts for Fred. He says that Fred would have wanted him to go. Look I'm not stopping you from talking to him but I think it may not be the best...timing." she explained. Now I just felt bad

"Oh, well I- Uhm, Sorry Hermione and thanks." I said quickly and walked around her into class. Well that was embarrassing.

This class never really excited me, I kept on daydreaming about last night. Gawd that was something I'll never forget.

"Ms. Young? Ms. Young?" Ms. Trelawney repeated. I didn't realize that I was that deep in thought.

"I bet she's daydreaming back to-"

"Shut it Finnigan!" Hermione shouted. Then her Ron, and Harry all looked up and smiled at me.

Dear Draco Pt.2 (conceptual sequel)Where stories live. Discover now