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Word Count: 732

Don't get me wrong Hermione, Ron, and Harry all standing up for me was amazing but very, very unusual, but I was happy that they did stick up for me, I had been stared at, and talked about all day. Maybe they had put everything in the past and wanted to become friends once again, although that was very unlikely.

I still really wanted to talk to George but I also didn't want to make things worse and I think Hermione would know better than I would about him so I left him alone.

A Few Weeks Later

"Are you ready for the game today?" Draco asked while he was walking to class.

"Yes, of course. You guys are going to do great! But please be careful, I hear Gryffindor has really been training. I really don't need you to get hurt." I said, it was true Gryffindor's had been training a lot, more than usual at least. And let's be honest, they were a good team especially with Harry and Ron.

"Oh you think we will loose to them, they are good but us, we are better and we've been practicing a lot probably more than them, we just haven't been training here." He gave me a mischievous smirk.

"Oh my, why haven't you been training here?" I ask.

"Because they always want to pick a fight with us every time we try to come and practice so we decided to do our training some place else, there loss really we are getting much better with this training than the other spot." he replied.

He was so fascinated with Quidditch, although I was confused most of the time it always made me smile to hear him go on and on about it.

"Well, as long as it's not going to be getting anyone disqualified that's good." I say. Draco looks at me

"Belly just because its not at the school doesn't mean that its against the rules, I'm not always up to trouble." He says in a goofy way. We get to my classroom, and he lets go of my hand and looks at me like I had just done magic, amazed at me.

"You are so beautiful, see you after class." I smiled back at him and walked into class.

I sat next to George in this class. I knew I had to at least say sorry, if I didn't it would make me seem like I didn't care for him anymore.

Halfway through class I attempted to whisper to George,

"George, George." I repeated. He didn't pay any attention to me though. I looked back at Ron who didn't help a single bit. I decided to wait until after class to talk to him.

When everyone got dismissed it was such a mess, everyone was everywhere. I searched the room for red hair and finally found him. I had to push and slip through people but finally got to him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"George, I won't let you continue to ignore me. I'm sorry for the argument, and I'm sorry about Fred. Don't get me wrong I miss him everyday too." I say. He just stares at me for a little, contemplating on what to say. A single tear starts to form in his eye. He drops down into my arms (which was a bit awkward as he is so much taller than me.) He starts bursting into tears.

"I can't go on like this Isobel, I- I -"He struggles to talk through his tears.

"its okay, its okay. I know this is hard. And it's okay to be sad and cry about it, its only natural. Things will get better, they always do, I promise." I say to him.

"I can't produce a Patronus any more, every time I try to think back I just think of memories with him, and I can't seem to make them happy. Instead I realize that he's now gone and I won't see him everyday or spend the rest of my days doing pranks with him." I'm speechless now. I don't know what to say or how to make him feel better, I just hug him tighter and let him cry it out.

Hey guys sorry I haven't made a new chapter in a minute. Please vote if you like this series and comment!

Dear Draco Pt.2 (conceptual sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin