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guys 3K are you kidding me?!?!?!

This is so crazy thank you for all the support and a special thanks to everyone that is commenting all these nice comments !

Word count: 10034

Draco's P.O.V

" You can't lie to me Belly. I know when somethings wrong with you."

I had went to Belly's dorm about 20 minutes before she came in. We have a bit of a tradition of me coming over at 8:30. No one really does anything about me staying the night at her dorm anymore they either are to scared of me or my dad.

I grabbed Isobel's hand before she entered the bathroom.

"Please. What is going on?" I asked for around the 100th time now since she entered her dorm.

Isobel's P.O.V

"Draco, I said I am fine how many times do I need to say it." I said sternly as I walked into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

"Muffalito." I whispered as I stared at myself in the mirror.

A single tear rolled down my right cheek. My lip began to quiver as more and more tears came rushing out. I didn't truly know what I was crying about. I guess the shock.

I mean I died, and they are just now telling me like months later. Draco doesn't even know that I died. He also doesn't know that his dad was the one who killed me. Do I tell him that I died? And if I do tell him do I tell him his dad killed me? I mean I don't even know if I want to know that I died.

God what were they thinking, honestly.

How did they think I would react? How am I suppose to react?

I'm so confused and lost.

I was now sitting against the wall balling my eyes out crying. I had used muffalito because I know that I tend to cry loudly and I also know that Draco is probably sitting on the other side of that bathroom door.

Draco's P.O.V

"Belly?" I whispered after what felt like hours of silence.

No response.

"Belly, I know you can hear me. I want you to know that you can talk to me, okay. You can tell me anything. I can help you." I said to the door as I sit leaning against it.


I back up from the door as it slowly opens.

Isobel slowly peers out. Her face red and tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Isobels P.O.V

I fall to Draco's arms. I just need comfort now and its crazy how comforting his touch is.

We sit there for hours. On the floor. Him sitting up against the bed. Me laying in his arms. My head in his shoulders. His hands rubbing my back and playing with my hair at times. His shirt filled with my tears. Not a word between us.


I woke up in my bed to Draco coming into my dorm.

"Good morning beautiful." He said as a small smile grew on both of our faces.

He handed me a to-go box with 4 hot pancakes in it along with butter and syrup. Then a bag with a big teddy bear stuffed in it.

"Thank you love." I said with a now huge smile on my face.

He smirked and pulled a blue tulip. Then placed it in the vase that held the other blue tulip and a bouquet of flowers from months and even years ago.

We sat in bed together as I ate my pancakes and Draco talked about his day so far.

Break was in 1 week and we both really wanted to go to my house for break although Draco still had to visit his mother at his manor. I really didn't look forward to going to his manor, there were pictures of his father almost everywhere and I really didn't want to see him. Although maybe I would get lucky, and he would be on some stupid business trip. I bet everyone over there was going crazy with Voldemort dead.

"Okay we will go to my manor for 2 days then we will go to your house for the rest of the break, how does that sound love?" Draco asked me

"It sounds wonderful darling." I said putting my head on his shoulder.



My stomach dropped as I walked through the front door of the manor. Looking around at the portraits and paintings of the family hung on the walls. Lucius cold stare in every one of them. I jumped a bit when Draco's cold hand wrapped around me.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked with a concerned look.

"uhm- yea I'm alright I just need to use the restroom." I said as I walked down the hallway into Draco's room then to his bathroom.

I looked leaned over the counter looking at myself in the mirror.

"keep it together Isobel." I whispered to myself.

I took a few deep breathes and came back out of the bathroom into Draco's room where Draco was putting down our luggage.

"My mother is in the living room, she's excited to see you." Draco said as he opened the door for me.

As I walked down the hall I could here Cissy walk over to the end of the hallway.

"Isobel!" She said with open arms.

"Cissy!" I said as I she gave me a big mom hug.

"oh, how have you been darling?" She asked

"I've been good, how about you?" I asked as we walked over to the kitchen

"Oh I've been just fine, not as lonely now that Lucius is home everyday," She said.

My heart dropped. Lucius walked out from their room. Staring at Draco then me then Draco then back to me. I panicked.

He wanted me dead. He had tried to kill me, well really he had killed me.

"Evening." Lucius said as he took a seat next to me.



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

How old do you guys think I am? honestly really curious LOL

I just want to say thank you once again!


Dear Draco Pt.2 (conceptual sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant