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Word Count: 630 

Isobel's P.O.V 

Me and Draco finally reached his manor. "You best write a letter to your mother, she's probably  worried sick you know." Draco said.

 I hadn't even thought about my mother! I gave him a slightly worried although agreeing  look and he handed me a quill and parchment . 

While he was getting the quill and parchment  I thought about us, we knew each other so well we could communicate through looks, no need to even speak at times. 

"Hello mother,  the war is finally over! can you believe it! Me and Draco both made it out safely. Although there were some deaths. Fred, he's gone. Me and George got into a big fight about his death though, he blamed me and "my boyfriends side" for his death. I wish they would understand that Draco is not like them. He's much sweeter really. I can't wait until you meet him. I'll be staying here for a while longer also, Don't worry though I'll be coming home soon. Love Isobel." 

"There, she knows me and you are both alive, I can't wait until you meet her." I said with a soft smile. 

"Yes" Draco gave  a reassuring smile. " But I must ask you one thing, what happened with you and George?" 

"Ugh your so nosy!" I said as I gave him a look that told him I was only joking. Although he just  stared at me now. 

"Fine. Fred had died, During the war I tried to save him but Harry took him from me and told me he would try to keep him alive," Tears started forming. Draco sat next to me  and hugged me.

 " When I went over there to see how everyone was, George had gotten mad at me because it was my "boyfriends side" that killed him. I got mad at him and I yelled at him a bit. I really should go and apologize, you know its not like George to yell at all. But I can understand his mixed emotions." I spoke through my tears.

"Fred's death isn't your fault, if you really do want to talk to George then do it just not now, give him time. That's all you needed before."  He looked down at me with a reassuring smile he tilted  my head up, wiped my tears away and gave me a kiss.   

I woke up in the middle of the night, to Draco coming into the room with a bundle of food. He gave me a smile "Sleep well darling?" I hated when he called me darling, and he knew this, now he just said it to tease me 

" What time is it?"

  "9 at night, you must have been very tired from the war. I brought you food from dinner, they already know you were asleep and I didn't want to bother." he explained. I just stared at him, and took him in, I love him I thought to myself.

 "We can still go down there" He said almost worried.

 "oh, no, no that okay I'm just still a bit sleepy, I need to wake up more. But thank you love." I gave him a sleepy smile. "Love?  That's a new name" He said with a big smile. 

"You know what." He said. I looked at him puzzled but he didn't respond. He took the  food and put it all in a little basket, grabbed a blanket and my hand. "Let's go," 

"Wait I need to get dressed" I looked down and was still in my clothed from the war, which were quite dirty.

 "ugh if you must" He said in a teasing tone. 


Things are about to get cute!!  

I'm so excited to write this book for you guys!! 


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