chapter 10

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The break for the holidays was over, and Hogwarts classes were back in session. It was sort of sluggish in early winter. Everyone was tired and cold all the time. The Yule Ball was to be held on January 16th. I had just a couple of weeks to find the date I already knew I would have. 

Ginny snuck up behind me as I walked through the hall, daydreaming of ball gowns. 

"Hey, you! So I gotta ask you something," she said, shoving her potions book in her underarm. 

"I am all ears."

"Violetta Black, will you do me the gracious honor of attending the Yule Ball snowy extravaganza of 1997 with me?" she said.

"Why dear Ginny Weasley, I could not say no to such a brilliant offer. Of course, I will," I replied, smiling at her. 

As we strolled up to the Divination room, Cedric approached me. 

"Hey, Violetta, could we talk in private for a quick second?" 

"Yeah of course. Ginny tell Professor Trelawney I'll be just a minute." She nodded and walked on. 

As the corridors cleared out, Cedric looked down at me. I wondered how he was so tall. 

"So uh, I know you are probably going with Ginny but I thought I would take a risk. Would you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

I stood there in shock. Cedric Diggory, one of the more popular and attractive males of Hogwarts had just asked me to the Yule Ball. Now I was used to this. I wasn't a smoke show but I did draw attention from guys sometimes. I had already turned down Cormac McLaggen and Blaise Zabini to attend the ball. 

But Cedric was different. After the kiss, our whole friendship was awkward and flirty. 

"You are right, Ginny did ask me. But you are a close friend, so I'm not turning you down. I'll let you know. Bye Cedric," I said, and turned around to go to class, leaving him in mystery.


I couldn't help but stare at Vi as she walked up the stairs. I found her the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts. Her body was perfect. Her voice was perfect. She was perfect.

Ginny is so lucky. I am so glad I could at least kiss that beautiful face once, whether I was sober or not. 

I prayed to the heavenly witches and wizards that she wouldn't turn me down. Ginny gets to have her. I should at least be granted the chance to take her to the ball. 


I paid no attention to the divination class. I was too busy battling the conflicted thoughts that kept running through my head.

Why did Cedric ask me? What do I tell Ginny? Do I turn him down? Ginny could be mad at me. She said she had special plans for us that night. Sexy plans. Oh gosh, this is hard.

I was awoken back to reality by the clatter of students rushing out. Professor Trelawney approached me. 

"My dear, you seem to have a very troubled aura. Is there something nagging your mind?" 

I didn't know Professor that well. She seemed a bit nutty in the head sometimes.

"I am all good professor, just sleepy. Have a nice rest of your day." 

I quickly left, worried that my professor would nab the story out of me. 

Mondays at Hogwarts were never fun. The day went by so slow, and they cut our lunch break. On these days I usually ate sandwiches outside with Ginny Luna and Neville. 

"Neville, I heard Professor Sprout was bringing in a new plant today for us to study, did you hear anything?" I asked. 

"Yes, it's Fluxweed. It is used in the polyjuice potion."

"Oh dear, I hope we don't have to experiment with it. I read that polyjuice potion smells like wrackspurt breath," Luna said quietly, biting into her sandwich. 

Sometimes Luna said things and we didn't quite know what they meant. We still loved her, and always helped her when kids hid her clothes.

"So, Luna, who are you going to the ball with?" Ginny asked.

"I presume Neville would make a quite suitable acquaintance. What do you think Neville?" 

Neville's cheeks flushed red, and I smiled at how cute they looked together. 

"Oh, erm- yes. I would like that very much." He looked down at his shoes.

"Vi and I are going together," Ginny said pecking me on the cheek.

"Actually I've been meaning to tell you. Remember when Cedric pulled me aside earlier? He asked me if I would go with him and he kept staring at me. I just told him maybe." 

Thoughts rushed through my head. How would she react to someone else asking me? Were other people asking her too?

"You should take Cedric. Ever since Cho broke up with him last year he's been so lonely. You did have a crush on him years ago too," Ginny said, giggling at how embarrassed I looked. 

"Then who will you go with Ginny?" Neville asked.

"Oliver Wood asked me yesterday in the Gryffindor common room. I shall tell him yes."

I don't know why this felt so weird. Ginny and I, dating, but not taking each other to the ball. Hm. Well, I guess it was already settled now. I should probably go tell Cedric before lunch ends. After all, the ball was in just two weeks.

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