chapter 31

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"Mum, it's all fine, we were-"

"Ginevra Weasley. I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth unless I tell you you can speak. Sneaking out without even saying so? We would've let you go out. Just because you are 16 now, does not mean you can just leave the house. You scared everyone so terribly, so so terribly."

Guilt rushed through my veins. I wondered why Ginny didn't tell Mrs. Weasley we were leaving. I realized she might've lied to me. What if she did want us to be a secret?

"Gosh, I just can't even begin to imagine what you were doing this late. Were you drinking? Drugs? Meeting with strangers?" Molly pestered.

"No mum! We just ate dinner and fell asleep we didn't realize it was late!" Ginny shouted.

"Where exactly were you two, may I ask?" 

"We were at a beach. Mum please just let this go. It's none of your business!" 

"It is very much so my business. You are my daughter, and until you are 18 I have every right to know where you are and who you are with!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.

I stood there, listening to them argue with each other for what felt like an hour. Ginny tried to lie her way out of it but more questions kept arising until finally, she said it. 

"Fine mum. Do you want the whole story? We went to the beach, we ate dinner, and we had sex. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

All this shouting had woken up the rest of the house. They all began to come down the stairs in confusion. 

"You- you WHAT?!" Mrs. Weasley screeched. I wanted to cry. I just wanted to go upstairs.

"She cheated on you! With someone else! She cheated on you and you went back to her? She cheated on you and you slept with her. For merlin's sake Ginny you're fucking 16 years old!" Ron shouted, charging at me now wide awake. Before he could swing the first punch George caught his arm and held him back. 

I couldn't ignore the look Mr. Weasley gave me. He looked disappointed. I felt more unwelcome than I ever had in that house. The twins just stared on, waiting to see who would talk next. 

"I'm sorry Violetta, but you are no longer welcome in this house. You cheated on my daughter, and I was kind enough to let you stay here after you made up and became friends again. But taking advantage of her? You are children. I won't allow it. Please, just go pack your things and leave, I can't look at either of you right now," Mrs. Weasley hissed.

I refused to give up just yet, this was ridiculous. 

"I may have cheated, and it was one of the biggest regrets I have ever made in my life. But my feelings for Ginny have never left and I would never in my life take advantage of anybody, especially not the girl I'm in love with. Don't you dare accuse me of such a thing," I spat back.

I could tell my words were the last straw. 

"I will not sit here and let you speak to me this way. Get out of this house and don't ever come back." 

All these years at the burrow. It was my home, I couldn't seem to comprehend I was being kicked out. Where would I go? After walking upstairs in shame and fury, I threw my stuff into my trunk in tears. I looked around, making sure I didn't forget anything. I found a picture on the bookshelf. It was me and Ginny as kids, sticking our tongues out. I picked it up, dropping it into my bag. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. The next time I would see her would be at school.

Pure anger filled me. I had never felt so mad. I wanted to smash the windows and burn the house down. I would never actually do it, but it coursed through my mind. I decided I would apparate to my mother's house. But it was late. She would be asleep. So I ripped the sheets off my bed, grabbed the pillow and blanket, and apparated.

When I landed, I was in the backyard of my mother's house. I tramped through the wildflowers, reaching a small shed in the yard. Luckily, nothing was in it except a shovel and a rusty watering can. 

As I made a makeshift bed on the floor, I thought about how the hell I was going to explain this to my mother. There was no way she would just let me into her family. She had left me outside of Dumbledore's office for a reason. He had placed me at the Burrow instead of bringing me back to my home for a reason. Andromeda had her own family. I was not part of it.

I stopped spreading the sheets. She didn't want me here, and I doubt she ever had. I wanted her to love me. Staying with her over the summer was fine, but now this would be something permanent. I certainly wasn't staying with the Diggory family ever again. I was kicked out of the burrow. I had no money or food.

I pulled a crumpled piece of parchment and an old quill out from my trunk. Folding it over so that my old potions homework was not visible, I scribbled a note.


I don't want to intrude on your family or the life you've built. I am not a factor, so I'm going to tell you now. I stopped late in the night so I could let you know before someone else did. I was kicked out of the burrow. There was no valid reason, but I have nowhere to go. I will let you know if I come across somewhere safe. Even if you don't consider me your daughter, you are my mum and you should know where I am.

All the best, Violetta.

I left it on the doorstep with the other two letters from the daily post. I pinned it down with a rock and began walking. 

I don't know where I was going. I focused on the heavy weight of my trunk rather than the fact that I would probably be identified as a missing person tomorrow. I wondered what Ginny was doing right now. I wondered if she was thinking about me, about what her mother had done.

I thought about what happened at the beach. I wanted to be there right now, with Ginny. I wanted to feel her touch, her soft perfect skin. 

I still didn't know where I was going, I just kept walking.

"I beg on the founders of Hogwarts, keep me safe so I can get back to Ginny."

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