chapter 28

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Visiting Cedric's grave had brightened my day. It was sad knowing he was gone. It would have been our first Christmas together. But he was in a better place now, and with him watching I would make him proud of me. 

I walked into the great hall and as I suspected, almost every student in Hogwarts was noisily chatting at their house tables. Students would board the train home for the holiday break in just an hour or two.

I sat next to Pansy and Adrianna. Esmerelda, Draco, and Blaise sat across the table. 

"Where are you guys going for break?" Blaise asked, taking a bite of a chocolate muffin.

"I'm staying home, I can't listen to another word from my parents about Voldemort and the death eaters. What about you Violetta?" Esmerelda asked

"Well, I would be going to either Cedric's or the burrow. But... yeah. So I'm probably gonna stay here," I answered sadly. This was the first break I had spent alone at the castle. 

As I poked at the egg that had appeared on my plate, Ginny and Ron approached me.

"Are your bags packed? We are going to try and snag the good seats on the train," Ron said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're coming to the burrow of course for the holidays, aren't you?" Ginny asked.

I didn't realize I was still invited. Now I realized that they thought of me like family even after everything that had happened. 

"Oh, I'm not packed I didn't know I was still welcome," I said quietly, turning red.

"Of course you are, you always are. Finish eating and come pack your stuff, we can help you."

They walked back to the Gryffindor table, and I stood there for a minute. I was so relieved I had somewhere to stay. I was even more relieved I was on better terms with the Weasleys. Then again, had Ginny told them she and Harry were done for good?

"Well, you better eat fast, darling. You've a train to catch," Blaise said with a smile.

"Oh, score! We got the good compartment before the fifth years did!" Ron shouted, a bit too loud.

"Quiet Ronald, or they'll come running back here to bargain for it," Hermione scolded. There had been quite a lot of tension between the two since Ron and Lavender split up a few weeks ago.

Around 20 minutes into the train ride, I felt extremely ill. I quickly got up, trying not to draw attention to myself, and went to the compartment bathrooms near the front of the train. 

I sat down and suddenly vomited into the toilet. I probably just ate something bad. 

I got up to wash my hands but quickly sat back down. My stomach ached in pain, and it grumbled as I continued to puke. Eventually, someone heard the noise and knocked on the door.

"Hello in there? Are you okay?"

I didn't recognize the voice. It must have been someone I didn't know.

"I'm okay, thank you," I was able to mutter, before throwing up again. I got up, and flushed the toilet, putting down the seat and taking out my wand.

"Scrotestio," I mumbled, and suddenly the room smelled exactly how it had before I entered, fresh and clean. 

I washed my hands and opened the door. There stood the unknown person who had knocked on the door. It was Isobel MacDougal, a Ravenclaw in my year. I had met her once through Luna. They were apparently really good friends. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You sound like you could be really sick," she said quietly. Her voice sounded just like Luna's, but less dreamy. She was a smart girl, but did not have an interest in her studies and would rather spend her free time exploring the grounds or partying.

"I think I'm okay, thanks. Probably just too many chocolate frogs. Thanks, Isobel, I'll see you around."

I walked away quickly back to my compartment before she could answer. I sat back down in between Ginny and Neville. 

"Where'd you go?" Ginny whispered in my ear.

"Oh, just the bathroom," I answered. I tried not to appear humiliated. I definitely didn't want Ginny knowing I was hurling my guts out just a few minutes ago.

The time went by fast as we chatted the train ride away. A few rounds of wizarding chess were played before the Hogwarts Express slowed to a stop. We had arrived. 

Ginny, Fred, George, Ron, and I all entered the burrow, greeted with hugs and kisses.

"Oh, how we've missed you all so much, my sweet children!" Molly cried as Arthur took the bags up to our rooms. 

I grabbed one of the cookies from a full plate Mrs. Weasley had placed on the counter and walked up to Ginny and I's room. 

I unpacked quickly, eager to catch up with the rest of the family downstairs. As I put my empty trunk in the closet, Ginny came in and pulled me in by the waist from behind. She wrapped her arms around my stomach and swayed back and forth.

"I'm so happy you're here, you have no idea," she whispered in my ear, and a shiver went down my spine. 

"I'm just happy you're with me," I whispered back, tilting my head around and gently kissing her. I turned my body around and began to kiss her more passionately. I wanted her skin against mine. She was about to pull up my shirt when the door burst open.

Fred had caught us.

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