chapter 23

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Cedric grew so distant for the two weeks he had before the third and final task. I could tell he was growing jealous of me and Ginny. The number of times I had to reassure him made me feel sorry, even though I did nothing to him. 

A few days before the last task I met him in his dormitory, where he had asked me in a scribbled note I found on my nightstand.

I walked in, and he stood across the room looking out the window, clearly panicking. 

"Cedric, what's going on?" I asked him, running up to make sure he was okay. He turned around when I touched his arm gently. 

"I miss you, Vi. I miss you and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I can't lose you," he said.

"I miss you too, Ced, things haven't been the same with us," I replied.

"I can't ever let you leave me. I can't. You're the only one for me out there, I know it. I think I'm the one for you, at least I hope I am. You are mine, you are my soulmate. I cannot live without you."

I was so taken aback by his words, and I felt tears grow in my eyes. Did he mean all that?

"I'm not going anywhere, Cedric. I will be here, always. I will wait for you in any hall. I will cheer you on whenever, wherever. Because I am in love with you."

He grabbed my face, passionately kissing me. It was slow but grew faster. Nobody was in his dorm, we were all alone. 

He took off his shirt, breaking away from my lips for just a second. I unclipped my bra and we both removed the rest of our clothes. 

It suddenly hit me. Was this really happening? I couldn't tell if I was scared or excited.

He laid me on his bed.

"Are you ready?"


"Just tell me at any time if you want me to stop."


That night was easily the second most perfect night of my life. I lost my virginity to Cedric Diggory, and I had never imagined losing it so perfectly. It was the right person, the right time, the right everything. 

But there was still an ache in me. An ache for someone else, but I couldn't figure out who. 

It was the late afternoon before the third task. I sat next to Cedric at the Slytherin table. He would be entering a large maze with the other contestants at 5:00 pm sharp. 

"Cedric, please eat something. You need your strength for the maze, or else you'll be sick and weak. Who knows how long you will be in there," I begged. He hadn't touched his food. The final task was the most dangerous task of the competition. 

By the time it was 4:45, I had managed to get him to eat a few sandwiches and drink some pumpkin juice. 

We walked out the main doors, and I saw Ginny kiss Harry in the courtyard as she went up to the stands. I tried to erase it from my mind. Now I know what she must feel like when she sees me and Cedric together. 

"Cedric, please please be careful in there," I told him, squeezing his hand.

"I will. Stay in the stands until I come out. I'm going to get that cup and win that money. And build that house for us," he said smiling, squeezing my hand in return.

"I love you so fucking much Cedric. You don't even realize," I whispered in his ear.

"I love you even more. You are absolutely perfect Violetta Black. Wait for me, alright?"

"Of course. Good luck. I'll miss you."

I sat in the stands and saw Mr. Diggory, who waved at me. I waved back, as I watched Cedric walk to one of the four entrances to the towering green bushes, that stretched for miles in a tangled maze. Dumbledore had them all huddle together, and I couldn't help but wish I was there to hear what he was whispering. 


I looked back at Violetta. She was so perfect, how did I ever manage to find her?

Dumbledore approached me and the other contestants. 

"The Triwizard Cup is hidden deep in the maze. Nobody except Professor McGonagall and I know where it is hidden. If you are in danger, shoot up red sparks with your wand. There are some things in there that I never imagined you would have to encounter as children. Please, be safe. Good luck, all four of you."

I looked at my father in the stands, and then Violetta one more time, our gaze connecting for what I didn't realize would be the last time. She was the last one I ever wanted to look at if I died in there. 

The cannon went off.


I heard the cannon go off, as Cedric and the other contestants ran into the maze. 

I was absolutely petrified. I couldn't imagine him getting hurt in there. I sat next to Ginny as we both tried to pass time by chatting over classes. Hermione and Ron came to sit with us too about a half-hour into the final task. We were talking about meeting at the Three Broomsticks when a loud boom came from the maze. 

Everyone looked over, as red sparks flew into the air from the northwest corner of the maze. I gasped out loud, clapping my hands to my face.

"Don't worry, it will be okay. Let's just wait to see who comes out," Hermione reassured me, as Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape apparated towards the direction of the sparks. A few minutes later, they appeared. 

Through blurry tears, I tried to make out who it was. Blonde hair, blue tracksuit. It was Fleur Delacour. I let out a sigh of relief. 

The rest of the night, I sat anxiously waiting for who would come out next. Krum had arrived a while ago, and gone straight to the infirmary. He had been possessed in the maze and was in an extremely violent state.

It had been so long, and the sun had set. I wondered how long Harry and Cedric had been out there. 

Out of nowhere, there was a thump, and Harry and Cedric landed sprawled in the middle of the ground. Lively trumpets began to play a celebratory tune. I tried to see what was going on, but everyone was jumping and cheering.

"They're alive, look, both of them are out and they've got the cup!" Hermione screamed. I stood in the stands and it was true. A crowd was bustling around them, but I could make out Cedric's black and yellow track shirt.

There was a scream. A scream so loud my blood curdled and chills went through my veins. The music kept playing.

Something was wrong.

What the hell was going on.

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