chapter 9

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guys okay. I know there are fred fans out there. but please do not be mad at me. it all adds up in the end, it's not his fault it comes out in the later chapters. he's not a homophobe.

I had never heard Fred like this in my whole life. He was always so nice and humorous. Why was he acting bitchy? Maybe guys had a period too.

I wanted to slap him so badly but decided to just let go of Ginny's hand and walk back outside. As George and I built a snowman, some sort of muggle thing Hermione had taught us to make, I noticed Fred and Ginny hadn't come back out. I looked in the kitchen window and saw them bickering.

"George, Ron, look." I pointed to the window.

"What the bloody hell are they doing?" Ron sighed.

"I think they're fighting, we should go see what's going on," George said. "Follow my lead."

We all snuck inside to see what they were saying. Staying clear of the kitchen entrance, we listened in. 

"Ginny, I am no homophobe but that girl is a Black. She is not a Weasley. She may have lived with us, but she is related to death eaters. She is related to the Malfoys, the Lestranges, the Blacks. It goes on. I don't like you two sneaking around the house getting all mushy gushy. I live here too," Fred exclaimed.

"Last I checked you were the one bringing Angelina Johnson to your bedroom. Is she not George's ex-girlfriend?!" Ginny yelled back.

Hearing this obviously new information, George lost it and stormed in.

"I'm sorry, you did what?!"

"Georgie... I didn't-" Fred was completely shocked. I remained silent against the door, Ron crouched down next to me. At that moment, I felt terribly bad for George.

"You know what, you have been such an ass lately. You're treating everyone like shit. If you have a problem with Ginny and Vi, go sleep upstairs at the shop. They can do what they like, it's not bothering anyone except you. As for Angelina? That's just fucked up Freddie."

George calmly walked up the stairs. He did not return to his and Fred's room but instead went into the bathroom.

Ron and I decided to show ourselves. Fred and Ginny had stood in awkward silence after George left. I grabbed her hand and we went to our room. Ron began to make a sandwich. Fred stood in the middle of the kitchen, his face in his hands. I did not feel bad. What he said moments ago was hurtful. I couldn't imagine how Ginny and George must have felt.


I didn't know what to say to her. Freddie just bashed her family. Told me not to be with her. I had never ever thought of the dangerous people in her family because she didn't like talking about it. I respected her boundaries. Fred, who she barely talks to, broke them. 


We sat in silence for ages. Eventually, she spoke.

"I don't know why Freddie said those things. I think I heard him leave for the shop a little bit ago. We should talk to everyone else."

Ginny and I walked to Fred and George's room. Ron sat on Fred's bed.

"I can't believe he actually left," George said.

"Take it easy George, this will all pass soon enough," Ginny said, as we entered and sat down next to Ron. 

"The real problem is telling mum and dad," Ron said, looking over at us in fear.

When Mr. and Mrs. Weasley returned from work later that afternoon, they called everyone down for dinner. 

"George, what's taking Fred so long?" Mrs. Weasley asked in annoyance.

"You better sit down mum and dad."  Mrs. Weasley instantly stopped setting the table. 

"Freddie is gone. He went to stay at the shop for the rest of the holiday. He said some ghastly things about Ginny and Violetta, then confessed to dating Angie. Things aren't looking too great, we didn't know how to tell you," George explained. 

I stood in udder silence and watched Molly and Arthur panic, calling the telephone at the shop repeatedly, nagging for more information on what had happened. I quietly excused myself. This break had been absolutely awful. I hoped the return to school would make things better.

1996 - ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now