chapter 22

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I sat in the stands of the quidditch field next to Luna, Ginny, and Hermione. I heard the cannon go off. Cedric was first. He had to fight a bloody dragon. What kind of school competition was this?

He snuck out onto the field, and a large light blue dragon caught sight of him. It charged, as Cedric whipped out his wand and transfigured a rock into a large dog. 

Merlin's beard, he is smart. 

Cheering from the Hufflepuff stands got louder and louder as Cedric slowly inched toward the egg. The dragon was focused on the dog, but caught his movement and shot out a large breath of flames. 

I heard a scream of pain and my eyes watered from the heat waves as Cedric ran behind a pile of rocks, badly burned. The dragon now began thrashing its tail around. 

Please, don't get hit again Ced. Please, please, please.

Out of nowhere, Cedric darted from behind the rocks, ran and snatched the egg, and left before the dragon spotted any difference.

He had done it. He was okay, for now. Just two more tasks he had to make it through. 

As soon as Krum, Fleur, and Harry had finished I was allowed to see Cedric. Ginny and I got up as soon as we were allowed. Harry had gotten badly hurt on his broom while retrieving the egg, so Ginny parted away to go to the infirmary and visit him. I went straight to the tent outside of the stands. 

"Miss Black, this tent is for the Triwizard champions and their advisors only,"  Barty Crouch said. 

"Excuse me sir, but I would like to have a few minutes alone with my boyfriend," I replied, trying not to sound angry. 

He backed away from me with the other contestants and Cedric and I exited the tent. I hated how people looked at me differently because of my family. I was a Black, my aunt was a Lestrange and my other aunt was a Malfoy. 

"Hey, I saw you get burned pretty bad out there," I said once we were away from the tent.

"I'm okay, it was just some fire. I'm worried about you, you look like you're going to vomit. Are you good?" 

I didn't realize I had probably looked pale and worried sick the whole time he was trying to get the egg and after.

"Yeah, you just scared the hell out of me Ced, I thought you got hurt and-" 

He cut me off, kissing me underneath the stands. 

"I'm going to miss you when I go back to the tent. I'll see you later tonight, alright?"

I didn't want to let go of his hand, but he pulled away and walked back to the tent.

Over the course of the next week and a half, Cedric tried his best to see me and his friends, but I understood why he didn't. He was a Triwizard champion, he had to focus on his tasks. The next task involved the golden egg he collected, and I remember him mentioning something about mermaids.

It was finally the day before the second task. I was starting to get frustrated with Cedric constantly ignoring me. We had drifted apart during the tournament, and I now spent a lot of time talking to Ginny, Luna, and Pansy. I had also somehow begun to make friends with Cho Chang, Cedric's ex-girlfriend. I worried about her sometimes, thinking Cedric still loved her. But otherwise, right now I was in a pretty good place at school. 

I was walking up the spiral staircase to go to Astronomy. The halls were dark, and I didn't notice Professor Dumbledore had snuck up behind me.

"Hello, Miss Black. Would you come with me please?" 

Oh for crying out loud. I could've sworn I just said I was in a good place. Now I was in trouble.

I nervously followed Dumbledore to his office, and when we entered I saw Hermione, Ginny, and a young girl who I could've sworn was like a child Fleur Delacour. 

"Today the four of you gather here because powerful magic has selected you. You four are the champions' most loved students. Miss Weasley for Mr. Potter, Miss Granger for Mr. Krum, Miss Gabrielle Delacour for her sister Miss Delacour, and Miss Black for Mr. Diggory.  I warn you, the next 24 hours may be extremely frightening, and you will likely suffer from some memory loss about what happened. Do not fear. Just take a small sip of this potion please, and you will be fine until tomorrow," Dumbledore explained. 

I watched Ginny look into my eyes and take a sip of Dumbledore's strange potion. The young girl Gabrielle took it, then Hermione. I took the cup, shaking, and took a small swig. I watched as life went from the eyes of those around me. Then everything blurred into complete darkness. 

For hours and hours, I was trapped inside my head. It was pitch black but I could hear my own thoughts. I couldn't feel my body, or hear or see or feel anything. The silence was filled with the voices in my head, constantly wondering what the bloody hell was going on. At one moment, I felt the cold rush of water touching my skin but I got used to it so quickly that it was like it wasn't there.

More hours in the abyss of my mind. I felt like I was losing my sanity. Was I dead? Did Dumbledore kill me? I remembered this had to do with the tournament. Why did Cedric pick me?

Suddenly, a hand grabbed me. I could feel again, but not open my eyes or hear. I was frozen. The hand dragged me up, and I felt warmth and sunlight reach my face as I broke through the surface of the water. Cedric was flailing next to me, both of us soaked. Just seconds later, Viktor Krum and Hermione broke through the surface. I noticed Fleur Delacour was shivering in the stands by the lake, but she was not with her sister.

Hagrid helped me and the others onto the docks, wrapping us in large grey towels embroidered with the Hogwarts crest. I didn't care about being cold, I was worried about Ginny. She was not back on land yet. Fleur was also panicking, yelling at Barty Crouch and Dumbledore about how her sister was still down in the lake. 

After a long time, Harry emerged from the surface of the water with not just Ginny but also Gabrielle Delacour. When she got to the docks, I grabbed Ginny and pulled her into my arms. I had no idea what the absolute hell I was doing right now, but all I knew was I was so glad to see her.


"Shh. I'm just happy you're not dead." From over Ginny's shoulder, I saw Cedric, who gave a weak smile. I didn't realize he was acting like that because I hadn't even bothered to look at him when he saved me, and now I was all over Ginny.

I quickly let go of her and sat down, still dripping wet.

"Cedric, you know that I dont-"

"I know. It's fine. She's your best friend." He looked so sad, I tried to touch his hand with my cold fingers, but he pulled away. 

I was suddenly mad. I was allowed to hug her. She has a place in my heart too and always will. 

The next task was the final task.

"Just one more task until you win, Cedric, it will all be over," I whispered

Just one more task.

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