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"Mummy! Yours and daddy's song is on the radio!" A little voice called out from the kitchen as I shut the front door of our house. Smiling to myself, I dropped my car keys into the key bowl and shrugged off my jacket before walking the hallway and into our kitchen where Brooke was baking cupcakes with Aly ready for when everyone arrived.

"Hey girls," I smiled as I scooped the small four-year old into my arms and nestled her into my side before walking over to kiss Aly on the cheek. "Thanks for looking after her, honey. I hope she hasn't been too crazy."

Aly shrugged a little and smiled at Brooke who was covered in flour and had un-cooked cupcake smeared down her front. "She was surprisingly calm today; I just gave her lunch and she said she wanted to help make the cupcakes. She's gonna need a bath though," Aly laughed as she took in her little sister's appearance.

"And so is pinky!" Brooke giggled as she reached for her pink teddy bear with a blanket as a body from where she was sitting on the kitchen counter. The poor thing wasn't even pink anymore; it was a mixture of white flour, gloopy chocolate, various coloured icing and cake decorations.

"Yeah, and pinky." Aly laughed as she picked up pinkie and handed it to a grateful Brooke.

"You're a gem." I smiled at Aly before she turned back to the stove and put the finishing touches on a large Victoria sponge cake that had just come out of the over. Reaching over to turn the radio up as it came to the chorus, Aly grinned at me and started singing 'gotta be you' in her beautiful, melodic voices - something she definitely got from her father. Brooke giggled in my arms and bounced up and down.

"Let's go get you changed, mucky pup. Everyone will be here in an hour and you're all messy." I cooed as I kissed Brooke on the head and sent Aly another thankful smile as I walked out the kitchen and took Brooke to the upstairs bathroom.

An hour later and Aly was finished with all the cakes and had helped me lay the food out on the garden table and was now getting ready, whilst Brooke sat on one of the swings with a now clean and pink Pinkie. Aly walked out of the house dressed in a bold, sparkly dress that hugged her curves and made her radiant blonde hair shine. "You look beautiful, honey." I told her honestly and she blushed and thanked me. "Happy birthday, mom."

I grinned at her and gave her a quick kiss before she took out her phone and blushed, smiling down at her phone like a girl in love. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity but she was too absorbed in texting back to even notice anything around her.

Just as I finished setting down the rest of the food which was fresh out the oven, the door bell rang and Brooke jumped up and screamed before racing down the garden in her little pink princess dress and clattering through the house in her tiny sparkly princess heels. I smiled and called after her; she was the most energetic bundle of fun ever, almost as bad as Jen's daughter Rosie.

Smoothing down my skirt, I made my way - at a slightly slower pace than Brooke - through the house where Brooke was waiting impatiently for me to open the front door and pouting like a puppy because she couldn't reach the handle. When I finally made it and decided to put her out of her misery through fear that her big, blue doe-eyes would make my heart melt completely, I opened the door. As I was doing so, I couldn't help but laugh as Jen scolded her son; "Noah, would you stop texting and put down the bloody phone. Stop being so rude. And you better not be texting all day."

I smiled at Noah, who grumbled an almost incoherent reply, "I won't need to, stop fussing." Before shoving his phone into his pocket and his mum a charming smile, causing her to roll her eyes lovingly.

Gotta Be You - A Harry Styles FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ