34C, huh?

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Picture of Zayn on the side!


“Louis! It’s not funny!” I screamed in frustration, running after the annoyingly hyper boy who was sporting my underwear.

Louis threw me an evil smile, still roughly ten feet ahead of me and ran towards the direction of the living room, where the boys were playing on the Xbox to pass the time.

“Louis, no!” I shrilled, cringing at my sore throat. Pushing my long legs faster, I shot down the hall, determined to get to the door before Louis could.

His hand reached the handle.

I reached for his collar.

And fell through the door when Louis swung it open, falling flat on my face.

Groaning, I pulled myself into a sitting position, thanking God inwardly when I realised the boys’ attention was directed elsewhere, but cursing loudly when I saw them all laughing at Louis who was strutting round the living room wearing my bra and thong above his shirt and jeans.

The boys all fell about laughing and Louis ran over to join them, finally taking my clothes off and throwing them at me. Snatching them out of the air, I scrambled out of the room faster than I ever had in my life and tried to ignore the chuckles and barks of laughter still spilling from the living room.

Those boys will be the death of me, I swear.

Stepping into Harry’s room, I walked over to his walk-in-wardrobe which was full the brim with both his clothes and my new ‘secretary’ clothes. Of course, I was allowed to bring my own clothes and, seeing as we were travelling to America, it would be very hot, I had many bikini’s, summer dresses, shorts and vest tops but my suitcase was also crammed with tight-fitting dresses, heels, see-through fitted blouses and tight pencil skirts. Apparently, that’s what a secretary wears. I doubted Niall very much so when he said that; he’s most likely trying to make me let go of my inhibitions a little, seeing as he knows how self-conscious I am with my body.

Peeling the sleep-crumpled pyjamas away from my skin, I threw them in the hamper and slipped into the underwear set that had been modelled by Louis little more than five minutes ago. Gathering the rest of the clothes hanging on the rack, I walked back into Harry’s room and was about to drop everything on the bed ready to be folded when the door was flung open.

I let go of the abundant pile in surprise and shrieked when I realised just what little skin on my body was covered. My chest...sort of. My thongs didn’t do much to cover any skin either.

“You could have knocked!” I screamed, as I met eyes with the intruder. Butterflies collected in my stomach when I met Harry’s darkened orbs. God, I must be even more worried about the flight than I thought I was.

Harry’s eyes scanned my underwear-clad body as a rosy blush ripened my cheeks. He smirked at me, tearing his eyes away from my skin. “Knock? On my own door?”

I opened my mouth to respond but words failed me. He was right; he shouldn’t have to knock on his own door. How embarrassing.

I fidgeted on my feet and looked at the floor, aware of Harry’s – once again – roaming gaze. When he noticed me watching him, he looked away quickly and, before I could register the pink tint to his cheeks, he walked over to the bed.

“I just thought I’d see if you needed any help packing. The boys are playing on the Wii and there’s too much arguing over who plays who – it’s doing my head in. So, need any help?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and decided to do something about my state of undress. Grabbing a white creased shirt Harry had discarded this morning at the bottom of the bed, I wrapped myself into the soft, scented material and instantly felt at home. Glancing over at me his eyes shined with happiness at the sight of me in his shirt. Or maybe the fact that I’d covered my body; god knows he was used to seeing models everywhere he went, and I definitely wasn’t that.

An hour and a half later, and Harry and I had finally managed to pack two suitcases; one filled with my ‘Lily’ clothes and the other filled with my ‘Leila the secretary’ clothes. The boys’ thought it best if I changed my name when I was out in public with them as their assistant, just to be on the safe side. If anyone knew that I was, in fact, Harry Styles best friend then I’d be bombarded with paparazzi and attention. Changing my name made it easier for them to give me a fake identity, one in which couldn’t be tracked which meant no one would find out about me. Everyone knew Harry had a best friend called Lily – he’d announced it on live air, much to my dismay – and people would start to put two and two together if I was called Lily, looked young and had a background that was easily traced.

“Right,” Harry stated as he pulled both suitcases into a standing position. “I’m going to go load all these suitcases with Lou. Liam and Zayn are responsible for locking up and you can help Niall sort out all the food for the journey. Oh, and make sure you put the snacks that need to be refrigerated in the blue cooler bag.”

I frowned at Harry and took a hold of the other suitcases’ handle. “Why can’t we use the green one: it’s bigger?”

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly as he looked over at me. “Louis spilt a urine sample in it.” Noting my confused face, Harry added, “Don’t ask how; I have no idea. He might tell you if you bring it up though. I’m kinda curious myself so ask him when we get on the road.”

I rolled my eyes playfully and made a mental note to ask Louis; I definitely wanted to find about this urine sample situation.

Handing the suitcase I was holding over to Harry, I walked beside him into the hall and continued on into the kitchen. Just as I was about to step over the threshold, Harry shouted from the front door, “34C, huh?”

“Louis!” I screamed in humiliation, only to see the boy himself run out the front door snickering. “Hide me, Harry! Otherwise she’ll knock me out with her bangers!”

Ignoring his attempt to embarrass me, I simply stepped into the kitchen and made my way over to the fridge. Yanking on the metal handle, I surveyed the almost bare fridge, emptying it of stacks of chocolate, plates of sandwiches and litre bottles of water.

Slamming the door shut, I turned to find Niall packing the blue cooler. Noticing my wound up mood, he gave me a hug and I relaxed into his brotherly hold.

“You alright?” He murmured against my hair. Shifting slightly in his arms I looked up at his young face.

“Yeah; Louis’ just playing the big brother role to perfection.” I muttered disdainfully, rolling my eyes at the silly boy who was currently packing up the van that was basically a mini caravan.

“Yeah, he is so immature sometimes, right?” Niall commented in his high-pitched, American girly voice. I couldn’t help but laugh at his bad impression. He sounded more like a cross between a mouse and a cat.

“Don’t let the American fans hear you talk like that; they’ll be offended.” I wiggled my finger at him jokingly and put on my mock stern face.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Niall replied, rolling his eyes playfully as he turned towards the food, eyeing it hungrily. Knowing Niall all-too-well, I was aware of his love for anything that would stop his constant battle with hunger. I giggled quietly to myself.

“Go on, eat something quick; I won’t tell the boys.” I beamed up at him as his eyes scanned the food kingdom on the counter.

He gave me a sincere look, “Pinkie promise?”

Raising my small finger to wrap around his own, I nodded. “Pinkie promise.”

“Thanks, Lil; you’re the best!” He replied around a mouth full of chocolate, bread and crisps. I scrunched up my face distastefully and turned away chuckling.

I packed up the rest of the cooler bag and made my way to the front door. Harry popped his head around the frame and gave me a dazzling smile and cheeky wink. I walked past and he grabbed me quickly and planted a kiss on my forehead.

I closed my eyes, relishing in the familiar feeling of his soft lips against my skin. Taking my small, dainty hand in his, he whispered in my ear. “We’re off to America, baby.”

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