Jason Evans

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Picture of Jason on the side


Yesterday flew by; thankfully, the rest of the boys bought my act although I think Liam was slightly suspicious as he seemed to turn round at the precise moment in which Harry decided to throw me and wink and wipe fake sweat off his forehead dramatically. Realising that Liam had caught him in the act, he pretended to scratch his head and complained that he had some chilli in his eye. Where he got that chilli from, I had no idea and I think Liam was on a similar wavelength.

Today I get my results...in both my A level exams and breaking the news to Jason about me leaving to go on tour with the boys on Friday. I had a nagging feeling that he wouldn’t be best pleased; I knew Jason in ways that no one could ever imagine; I’d seen his split personality and was around to see the demons that haunt his surface. He’d completely flip and it was likely he’d try and hit me again so I knew I had to approach him in public, giving me a better chance of leaving the show-down unscathed.

Pulling into the school parking lot that was supposed to be for teachers only (I had to make a quick exit if things between Jason and I got nasty), I tucked my keys in my shorts’ pocket and, after locking the car, made my way to the front entrance of the school.

Get my results, have an inevitable argument with Jason, take my results to the boys where my bags where ready and waiting, open my results with them, call my mum and celebrate. It had to go in this order. Jogging across the patio and picnic area, I made my way through the cool, air-conditioned office entrance and joined the back of the line in the school hall where students were waiting – some impatiently, others anxiously – to receive the envelope that could change their lives forever.

Right now, my results should be my priority but I knew they were far from it. Ten more people to go, come on, hurry up, I thought, switching my weight from foot to foot impatiently. Just as the next person collected their envelope, had a little chat with the teacher, and was about to leave, I felt a grasp that was a little too firm to be friendly grab hold of my arm.                    

“Hey, babe; I’ve missed you.” And before I could even think about responding, Jason’s urgent, damp lips crashed onto mine, nearly knocking me off balance. I made a grunt of surprise which Jason interpreted as a grunt of approval – as usual – and tried to shove his tongue down my throat. I don’t know why but it didn’t feel right so, placing my small hands on Jason’s chest, I shoved gently; enough to get him off but not hard enough to hurt him.

I blushed red in both anger and embarrassment; “Jason, not now.” His grasp tightened on the sides of my shoulders, nails digging into my skin slightly. He looked around. I knew what he was doing. He was checking if he could say what he likes without the risk of anyone hearing. Thankfully, there were only five more people in front of me and a vast number in little conversations with friends behind. I was safe enough.

Hopefully I can say the same in ten minutes time.                    

“Why not, sweet pea?” He asked inquisitively through gritted teeth as I flinched from his tight grip and the nails that clawed at my bare shoulders.                    

“Because we’re not alone, Jason.” I replied, unsure of whether he understood the double-siding meaning of my words. In order for his forceful, hateful personality to stay under wraps, he had to control himself in front of a crowd. Something he always managed to do, increasing his anger towards me when we were alone. His hands dropped quickly from my shoulders, as if my skin hand burnt him. He stepped closer, a mere breath away and his eyes looked like grey wisps of thunder.                    

Gotta Be You - A Harry Styles FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora