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A/N: OH MY GOD, I'M SUCH A BAD PERSON!! I'm so sorry it's been over two weeks since the last upload! It's really no excuse but I just turned 16 so it's been hectic with my party planning family fom around the world over etc. And school is just poo this year and there's so much work! It's not a huge upload but half term is comnig up soon so I'll write more then!

BUT, there's not much of this story left. Only about 4/5 chapters at the most, including the epilogue!

Anyway, comment vote etc!



My hand shook slightly as I retrieved the phone from the cradle. For some reason, I knew bad news was heading my way. I had this awful, foreboding feeling that told me my happiness would be short lived.

"Hello?" I answered hesitatingly, my voice slightly weak and shaky as all eye in the room turned on me. My mum looked slightly oblivious, my dad looked weary and Jen looked apprehensive. Matt, bless him, was still on cloud nine and seemed oblivious to the sudden change in atmosphere and the crackle on the end of the phone line, which was now wedged tightly between my ear and hand.

"Jen, we're so sorry." Niall strong Irish accent was the first to greet me. Well, if you could call it a greeting; if anything, it made me more worried.

"What have you done now?" I sighed, playing the usual part of mother - the role I'd picked up quickly around the boys. But this time it was different. This time I had to put on the act instead of letting it come naturally, because I had an awful feeling something had gone terribly wrong.

"Not us; an anonymous source." Niall's voice sounded pleading and I could hear Louis snapping at him in the background before the phone crackled and - just as I thought the call had been disconnected - Louis' deep voice sounded through the speaker. At any other time, I would have giggled at how much like bickering brothers they were but right now? Right now I just couldn't find it in me to force the fake amusement.

"Lou, please explain to me what is going on?" I asked, my walls crashing down this time and the true worry I was feeling seeping into my tone.

"The paparazzi have got some controversial pictures of you. But apparently it's not just the paparazzi; someone you thought you trusted has betrayed you and the papers have brought out this whole story about you. Please don't kill me for asking this but I have to confirm what I believe." Louis rushed out before taking a deep breath, the other end of the phone going deadly silent. Almost as silent as it was on this end. "Are you pregnant?"

My heart dropped to my stomach as it lurched violently until I was almost heaving. Oh my God. The paparazzi got pictures of my little visit to the pharmacy earlier.

"No. No, I'm not. Please tell me what's happening. All of it, not just little bits here and there." I took a deep calming breath and tried to rid myself of the unpleasant, panicky feeling that was making my forehead bead with sweat whilst making me feel as though I was going to be sick.

"It's probably better if you come over. That way you have a visual understanding too." Louis' voice had softened slightly as he quieted himself down. I could hear things being smashed in the background and Harry's angry voice booming through the halls.

I rubbed tiredly at my eyes and turned them towards my company, who were now looking more worried than I probably was. Matt seemed have caught on, at last. I wanted to laugh as how much he reminded me of an oblivious Jen right now but I didn't seem to have the energy. "Ok," I agreed to Louis, nodding despite the fact he couldn't see me. "I'm on my way."

Gotta Be You - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now