The Ellen Show

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A/N - Sorry it's taken a while, I highly underestimated the amount of homework I'd get for the holidays! Let's just say I've had pretty much no life for the past two weeks! Anyway, enjoy the chapter (it's longer this time!) and the girl Louis likes is called Sian - pronounced Sharn.

Vote, comment, Fan, spread the word etc, thanks!

Picture of Ellen on the side!


The next morning was hectic.

No, even hectic was an understatement.

The boys had to be at an interview at precisely one o’clock in the afternoon and be ready to shoot at two. Being the assistant/secretary, I had to dress up in my under-cover clothes, which was no problem for me...the boys, however, did not seem too happy about it.

When they had told me to pack tight, slutty clothes they’d be ‘joking’ but me being the naive and gullable girl I was had done exactly that and brought every tight skirt, dress and shirt I could find, matching them with killer heels that were sure to permanently damage my feet and break my neck if I hadn’t learnt to walk in them already.

So, at half twelve I was ready to go in a tight cream dress and matching stilettos with a large brown, fringed bag filled with the boys’ phones’, iPods, Niall’s snacks and a time schedule for the day. The boys, however, believed that I was far from ready.

“You’re not wearing it.” Harry declared, finality lacing his voice as his eyes once again fell upon my clothes – or lack thereof. They, however, seemed to be enjoying the view. Shaking this off internally, I quipped, “And why not?”

“Because you look like a hooker.”

My mouth fell open as the boys crowded me in the hall and each analysed my attire. Noticing my agape mouth and offended look Harry said quickly, “A smoking hot hooker...but a hooker non-the-less.”

Louis nodded and pointed up the stairs towards my bedroom door that could be seen slightly through the gaps in the banister. “Go and change. Your dad will slaughter us if we let you leave the house like that.”

I stood defiantly, crossing my arms over my large chest. “No. I have nothing else to wear.”

Niall shifted on his feet, looking uncomfortable and weary. “Guys, i really hate to say this but she’s gonna have to stay how she is – we’ve really gotta get a move on or else there won’t be any interview.”

I smiled triumphantly as the boys all shot Niall glares, causing him to sink back into the wall and shoot me a pleading look.

I rolled my eyes, “Leave him alone. It’s me you should be angry at and it’s not like you were gonna get me out of these clothes anyway.” I shook my head and laughed slightly when Harry wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in my direction, a playful yet seductive sparkle in his eyes.

Punching him in the arm for giving me such suggestive looks, Liam opened the door and held it for us as we all walked into the front garden. It had a beautiful flowing fountain with crystal clear water sprouting from the shell a small angel was holding. Around his feet were vines and flowers, similar to the ones that decorated the small patches of earth that lined the stone walkway and parking area.

“Is that angel naked?” Zayn asked as he stared at the small, male angel adorning the garden fountain.

I nodded casually and started towards the minivan, which took form of a pale blue campervan, “Yeah, statues like that all are.”

“If you look closely you can see his willy!” Harry laughed childishly as all the boys stopped advancing towards the car and ran over to look at the stone statue. I rolled my eyes, “Anyone would think you lot were gay!”

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