Photo shoot - Part 1

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A/N: Hey everyone! So, I've just broken up from school, finally! I'm going on holiday to Italy on the 1st of August and won't be back till september and there is no internet connection at all where I am so unfortunately there won't be any uploads for a month but that does mean I can focus on my writing and write loads ready to upload when I get back. Part 2 of this chapter will hopefully be uploaded sometime this week but sorry for the wait, and thanks for understanding.

Picture of Vanessa Hudgens who will play Jennifer Montoures!



Last night ended rather smoothly considering how worked up it had me. I went home with both Cole's and Jennifer's number in my phone and had successfully avoided Harry throughout the rest of the night, asking Louis to take me home early because I was 'exhausted'. It was partly truth but the larger part of me just wanted to curl up in a ball and shield myself against the outer world and all the troubles it threw at me.

It was now nine in the morning and the boys were all still in bed, most probably fast alseep despite the fact I had taken a trip into each of their rooms, wacked them around the head with a pillow and shouted in their ears to 'get their fat arses out of bed' at least three times. Deciding that my attempts to wake them were pointless, I settled on making a full-English breakfast because God knows we were all a little homesick. Just as I was about to lay a rash of bacon into the pan sizzling with oil, the home phone shrilled from above the sink. I made a mental note to grill the boys about putting it back in the cradle otherwise it would run out of battery. 

Growling in annoyance, I shut off the stove and grill to stop the food from burning and reached over to claim the phone that was a mere second away from going straight to answering machine.

"Hello?" I greeted, wedging the phone between my ear and shoulder and continuing with the breakfast, trying my best not to sound irritated, which I most definitely was.

"Hey pumpkin! How're you doing?" Tears filled my eyes at the sound of my father's deep voice. A voice that I hadn't seen for just shy of two weeks. Every day my mum called of attempted to text me - I say attempted because she couldn't fathom the idea of having a space button so instead used full stops to separate her words making her texts look something along the lines of: ok.luv.u.

My dad had been really busy with work; he was a top lawyer in one of the biggest legal firms in London and he found it very difficult to manage time between work and family as he was one of the most sought after lawyers in the city. I knew he loved his job and worked as hard as he could to provide us with everything he needed, and I respected that, but it kind of sucked that the only form of communication I got was either emails or - if I was lucky - a quick chat before he shot of the work. 

Although I was aware that he couldn't see me, it didn't stop me from grinning like a complete idiot and replying, "Absolutely fine but I miss you guys so much. What about you?"

        "I miss you too, pumpkin." A few tears filled my eyes when he repeated the nickname he'd called me since I was three.

At Halloween, Harry and I had gone trick or treating with our parents. We were at the grand house across the road, the one famous for its large marble stairs leading up to the front door. After we'd shouted the usual trick or treat and pinched a handful of sweets each, we skipped down the stairs eager to get to the next house but I tripped on the bottom stair and went flying, my face planting itself straight into one of their hundreds of pumpkins. To say it was an unforgettable memory was a tad understatement. It was a moment none of our families forgot and it was a moment often relived every time we had a family get together. Not to mention it was the first story told to Harry's little sister when she was old enough to comprehend the fact that my face was strong enough to break through a pumpkin. I smiled fondly at the memory – it hadn’t been funny at the time but now it was well in the past, I couldn’t help but crack a smile.

Gotta Be You - A Harry Styles FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora