Beach Party - Part 1

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A/N: Hey everyone! In a hotel in France and I have Wi-Fi, so I've written a bit more - it's not loads but it's something - because I really wanted to give you guys something. It's a bit steamy (but not a lot) so if you don't feel comfortable reading that just skip it. It's basically just a make-out sesh;)

Anyway, enjoy! Vote, comment, fan etc!


          “Who’s up for a beach party tonight?” Zayn calls up the stairs as I’m on m way down, holding his hand over the bottom of the phone and holding it into his shirt to spare the caller’s hearing. I smile and give him an affirmative nod before walking into the kitchen, only to find Louis and Liam arguing over who’s getting the last bit of ketchup in their bacon sandwich.

That’s the second one they’ve had today; one at ten in the morning, and now this one four hours later. I lifted my head from where it was buried in the fridge and was greeted by the glorious sight of Harry walking into the kitchen with only a towel wrapped around his waist, with Niall and Zayn on his flanks.                        

          “You guys ok if we go to a party tonight? It’s on the beach we went to last week; it’s a group of models, actresses etc.” Harry aimed the question mostly at me and I nodded; it made my insides warm to think that he wanted my opinion before anyone else’s.                    

          “Sorry, what?” Liam asked when he realised we were all staring at him. He smiled sheepishly when I rolled my eyes but showed excitement when we said we were going to a beach party (not giving him much choice but, judging by his reaction, I’m guessing he didn’t mind too much.)                    

          “Hey, are Cole, Jennifer and Matt coming?” I asked Zayn, who had just finished talking on the phone and was busying himself with making a sandwich. The contents of it were spilling out, making me feel a bit queasy. It looked like...mustard, ham, ketchup (what was left of it, anyway, after Louis had ended up just throwing it at Liam and huffing in defeat), jam and pickles. I grimaced when he brought it up to his mouth and guzzled half of it, making an appreciative grunt. I covered my ears, partly because it sounded like a sex noise and Zayn was my brother; I did not want to hear the sounds he would make when he was doing...well, the nasty. Zayn opened his eyes a little and gazed at me, an eyebrow quirked at my weird position. I just shrugged my shoulders and let my arms drop, giving him a sheepish smile and pretending that I wasn’t blushing bright red and I didn’t compare the noise Zayn made to a sexual one. But, judging by the laughter coming from the rest of the boys who had taken seats at the table, they’d noticed.

A frown flitted across Zayn’s face when the boys continued to laugh but it was soon dismissed when he waved to the phone and actually answered my question. “That was Matt. Cole’s going; I think he’s the one who organised and by the way he makes friends like it’s nobody’s business, I’m guessing there’s gonna be a big turn-out. Oh, I forgot to tell you; Jen’s dropping by in ten minutes. She wants to go shopping with you.” I smiled at that but my face quickly dropped when I realised I was still lazing around in Victoria secret tracksuit bottoms (courtesy of the photo shoot, along with many other desirable pieces of clothing) and a white vest top.

           “You better go change.” Harry said, winking playfully. I spat my tongue out but couldn’t help the little smile that flittered across my features when I saw the twinkle in Harry’s eyes that seemed to say, “Need any help?”

Yeah, I wish.


Five hours later and I literally could not walk any further, which kind of sucked seeing as Jen and I still had a beach party to get ready for that started in only two hours at eight o’clock. Oh well, it’s not as if it was some hot-shot premiere. Jen said we’d only need a bikini and something to cover us and keep us warm enough when the party escalated into night time. On the photo shoot, I’d had to do both lingerie shots and swimwear, so I had three absolutely gorgeous bikinis to choose from. A hot pink one with lacy embroidery; it was, by fair, the most risqué one. I also had a white strapless one covered in sequins and a turquoise one with frills and flowers which was, by far, the most modest and even that was pushing it a little.

At half six, I was home; Jen had gone back to her and Matt’s apartment to get ready as she’d left her stuff at home and also had to pick Matt up but I told her I’d meet her at the beach huts at around eight o’clock. Walking through the front door of the house that had soon become like a second home, I made my way up the stairs, stopping on the way to let the boys know I was home. They were all sitting around playing the Xbox and didn’t look as though they’d made any effort to change out of their pyjamas in the hours I’d been gone. They were completely typical boys: wait until they had ten minutes until they had to leave, throw on a shirt and some jeans and do whatever they had to do to their hair to make it look presentable enough to be seen in public.

Walking into my room, I shed my top and shorts, throwing them in the washing bin behind my door. Turning round, I let out a shriek, not expecting Harry to be lying on my bed. He must have been sleeping as he stretched a little and yawned in such a cute way that I almost ‘awww’d, although I don’t think he’d appreciate that very much; it would probably damage he’s ‘machoness’. Picking up a pillow that had fallen off the floor, I pounded his body and head with it. He soon work up with a soft grunt and a confused, “Lil?”                    

          “You idiot. You scared the living hell out of me!” I climbed on top of him and spread my hands across his chest, giving him a shove. Although, it’s not like he could exactly go anywhere seeing as there was a bed underneath him. But still. It was only when he woke up fully and his eyes darkened and clouded with lust that I was sitting on his crotch in just my underwear. Blushing profusely, I tried to get up to save us both the embarrassment – and stop the little voice in my head that told me that I liked it, and should take it further – and actually get some clothes on.                    

         “No, don’t move.” He commanded huskily and he grabbed my wrists gently in his huge hands and pulled me down so I was splayed against him, chest to chest. My breathing hitched as his hands wound themselves into my hair and tugged gently, causing a moan that I tried oh-so-hard to suppress to come hurtling out of my big gob. He leant up slightly and I met him halfway, our lips joining for what must have been the second time in these past two and a half weeks. Or was it the third? My mind continued to process jumbled nonsense as Harry’s soft yet firm lips moved in sync with mine.

I bit down gently on his bottom lip, eliciting a growl of appreciation from him, causing his chest to rumbled slightly beneath me and make me even hotter. His mouth parted against mine and I made a sound half way between a whimper and a moan when our hot tongues collided, fighting for dominance. Finally giving in, I allowed him to take charge, feeling a rush of pure excitement when I felt something hard against my inner thigh, dangerously close to the fabric of my lace thongs. Growing in confidence, I tightened my legs around his waist and pulled myself even tighter against his body, causing him to be pushed fully against me. It was the most amazing feeling I’d ever had in my life.

Deciding it would be a good idea if we took a breath, I pulled back slightly and grinded against Harry when he placed hot, wet kisses down the nape of my neck. He let out a groan when I grinded a second time. “Lil, we can’t do this.” Before his words could settle correctly in my head, I pulled back abruptly, embarrassed but also intrigued by my sudden bout of confidence and self-assurance.

Oh my god, I cannot believe I just did that. And liked it. Scratch that, loved it, for goodness sake.

Quickly realising what Harry had said thirty seconds ago, I jumped off the bed as if he’d suddenly gone up in flames. Seeing my crest-fallen and most probably heart-broken expression, he advanced towards me quickly and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.                    

          “I mean, I want to but just not right now. I’ve got some...things I need to sort out before we do...whatever we are doing.” He gave me a final, lingering kiss of the lips and, just like that, walked out of my room and out of the house, breaking my heart with the slam of the front door.                     

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