The Urine Cooler

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I've never done this properly before, but I'm going to start doing A/N's. Sorry it's short and a tad late, been very hectic this week but hopefully I'll be able to upload quite a bit in the next two weeks or so! 

Picture of Niall on the side!

Please, please, please vote, fan and comment! It honestly means so much! Next chapter - AMERICA!



I’ve tried playing it cool,

But when I’m looking at you

I can’t ever be brave

Cause you make my heart race

A huge smile braced my face and I reached for the volume button on the radio, turning the notch up to full volume and blasting up the speakers causing the boys’ song to spill from the open windows of the car. The journey to the airport would be about five hours as we were travelling to the East Midlands airport.

Resting my arm along the ledge of the open window, I closed my eyes and continued singing along whilst the wind ran through my blonde waves. Niall was in the back, eating...again. Liam and Zayn were playing on their iPod’s, Louis was driving and Harry was relaxing whilst watching me sing. He sat between Louis and I, slightly further back, propping up his head on his tanned, muscular arms that were crossed on top of the worn red leather seat.

When it came to the chorus, the boys’ all sung their bits whilst I joined in with Zayn’s and Harry’s, whichever one was the higher at the time.

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is

But I need that one thing, yeah,

You’ve got that one thing

At the end of the song, we all started laughing breathily, gasping for air that had just been blasted out of ours lungs during our karaoke session.

I turned down the radio, the hosts’ voice fading into the background as we all grinned at each other. Louis gave me a slight squeeze on my thigh. “You know, you really have got a good voice, Lil.”

I turned to face him as he glanced back at the road. Although he couldn’t see me, I smiled gently.

“She always has.” Harry said quietly from behind me, his warm breath blowing over my ear. I shivered gently and decided it was time to wind up the window. I didn’t feel cold but my body’s reactions were telling me otherwise...although I felt strangely warm.

“Thanks but you guys are the pop stars here, not me!” I laughed and they all shook their heads a little and went back to the tasks they were doing prior to our sing-a-thon.

I settled back into my seat and propped my legs up on the dashboard, crossing them at the ankles. Although I had a natural tan, I hoped it would darken whilst we were away, and hopefully my hair would lighten a few shades too.

“Guys, what’s that smell?” Niall piped up, causing me to start a little at the sudden interruption of my thoughts. We all turned to face Niall, who had his nosed scrunched up adorably and he sniffed at the air. Louis kept his eyes on the road, but glanced in the rear-view mirror quickly as curiosity got the better of him.

Harry glanced at the bag that lay open beside Niall and scrunched his face up in disgust. “Oh, for God sake; who brought the urine bag?”

Zayn and Liam raised their hands in surrender, “Our job was to lock up the apartment!” Liam defended himself and Zayn so quickly that his words were also indecipherable.

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