Gotta Be You - A 1D Harry Styles Fanfic

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Picture of Lily on the side!


Hearing the door open, I shouted from the kitchen, "Mum, do you want some pasta?"

I waited for a reply as I busied myself with adding tomato puree, cheese and slices of chicken to the left over pasta dish from yesterday's dinner.

Heavy footsteps padded down the hallway and my heart rate accelerated. That definitely wasn't my mum. Grabbing a large kitchen knife from the holder, I turned around to face the gradually opening door.

After a panicked five seconds on my behalf, the door was flung open and I gasped in shock and relief. There, standing at the door, was my best friend, Harry Styles.

I discarded the knife on the kitchen counter and bounded across the room, throwing myself into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He chuckled, catching me easily due to this being a very practiced move.

He squeezed me tightly, and I pulled back slightly to look at him. His famous curly locks had grown slightly, and his eyes seemed brighter. Maybe Louis had actually let him sleep for once.

He grabbed my face in his hands and brought my forehead to his lips, kissing it with his feather-light touch.

"How's my best girl been?" He smiled up at me as he walked over to the kitchen counter and plopped me down.

"Fine, just missing you. I didn't think you'd be back until Friday. Had I had known you were coming I would have made more of an effort." I laughed self consciously as his gaze ran over my short clad legs and tank top.

"You look beautiful in everything you wear, Lily." I blushed and hopped off the counter. "So, what's happened since I've been gone?"

"Not much." I replied, turning my back to him so he wouldn't see through my lie. I continued making the pasta, blissfully unaware of his close presence.

A warm hand that sent tingles throughout my body grasped a light hold on my arm. Shaking off the feeling, I turned to face Harry.

"I smell B.S; you're lying to me, Lil." His eyes roamed my face, scrutinizing every inch. I tried to keep my poker face on.

"No I'm not; not a lot can happen in eight months." I feigned innocence yet I knew he could see through my mask, just like he always could.

"Lily, a lot can happen in eight months and you know that damned well." We both knew what he was talking about; his shot at fame and him and the boys becoming the most sought after band of the century. As much as I hated to admit it, a lot could happen in eight months.

"Harry, I..." I trailed off, unsure of how to tell him what I had been afraid of telling him over the phone or by email for the last six months now.

He tilted my chin to face him and I let my gaze wander from the floor to his face. It was no secret that he was perfect. But him being my best friend had to stay a secret; I wasn't ready for the life of fame and fortune.

"Jason and I are dating again." I whispered quietly.

For a second it was deadly silent and then I heard the bowl filled with pasta smash. He was not happy.

"Since when?" He practically growled, fists balled at his sides to prevent himself from smashing anything else.

"Six months ago." I replied, my voice barely audible.

"What?" I he snapped, causing me to flinch.

"Six month-"

"I heard what you said the first time. Dammit, Lil." He growled in frustration and slammed his fist down on the marble surface. "Why are you dating that jerk again? All he did last time was screw you over so why the hell do you think he's not going to do exactly that this time? What the hell is wrong with you?" He shouted, throwing his arms in the air.

I wasn't going to be talked to like that. I knew this was going to end badly but it was inevitable.

I squared my shoulder and looked him dead in the eye. He looked murderous. The look he often displayed when around Jason.

"What do you mean 'what the hell is wrong with you?'. There is nothing wrong with me! Sure, everyone makes stupid mistakes but I can't choose who I love! I can't make myself hate him and I can't help it if I love him. Don't tell me who I can and can't date. Just because you're my bestfriend, it doesn't give you the right to chose who I can and can't see. I don't say anything about the girls you take out, do I? Do you want to know what I really think of them? I'm gonna tell you anyway. I think they're fake, bratty, spoilt bitches who only like you because you've got money and you look like a greek god. They don't love you like I do and like the boys do, because they don't care for who you are on the inside."

Harry stepped closer, almost pinning me against the fridge. "I love how you've failed to mention your boyfriend even though you've been with him for six months!" He spat at me. I placed my hands on his chest and shoved him backwards. He caught his hip on the corner of the kitchen island and cursed.

"What do you expect me to do?! Spend loads of money calling you around the world only to have an explosive argument with you? Have you find out that I'm with him and you not wanting to be friends with me any more? Or, more importantly, ruin your amazing trip away with your best friends and all your blonde bimbo's because I let a piece of unimportant information about my love life slip? Huh?"

I crossed my arms, more pissed off now than I had ever been in my life. I knew I wasn't being fair, but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

"You're impossible, Lil. Don't fall because he's not gonna catch you. He never has. And you're no better than those blonde bimbo's; throwing yourself into the arms of someone who's gonna toss you to the curb like yesterday's trash. Not to mention the fact that you're blonde."

"Yeah, well at least it's real. My hair, me, and mine and Jason's relationship."

And with that, I shoved past him and stormed out of my own house. I knew I could use the boys' help on this one, and I knew just where to find them.

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