Truths and Confessions

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A/N: Sorry it's been a while! My laptop broke so I had to wait to get a new one and now I'm getting used to the keyboard, which is a little weird so it's taken me a while to write!

But, here it is! Enjoy!

Another picture of Jen on the side; she is just gorgeous!


Two days had passed since the...incident with Harry and we'd gone straight back to normal. It was infuriating me that he could act so...casual: as if nothing had happened when I felt as though our friendship had been forever tainted by our stupid, raging hormones. But two could play at that game; I'd just pretend it was a mistake and act oblivious; see how he liked that. I found it a bit weird though, how he kept disappearing during the day and in the evenings. Now that I think about it, he'd been absent without letting us know where he was going for about the past week now. Ever since the night club.

It was now Tuesday and Jen and I were getting ready to out for my birthday. The boys, Jen, Cole and I were all going for a meal and were then would head towards one of the cities clubs, reserved mostly for the world's elite, where Lucas would join us. I don't know what it was - and it probably was nothing - but Lucas seemed a bit...odd? Seeing as I'd had a weird encounter with him on Saturday at the beach party- and taking into account the fact he's friends with Cole - it was probably just a complete over-reaction.

"You nearly ready?" Jen asked as she hopped around the room, trying to secure a dangerously high heel shoe to her left foot. I laughed at the look of frustration on her face and nodded. No matter how crazy she looked right now, she still looked stunning

in her knee-length tight navy cocktail dress. Her straight hair swished around her like it did in an TV advertisement she did for Pantene and I quickly snapped a picture on the camera I was carrying just do we could laugh at it later. She looked so...commercial.

"Hey, no fair!" She pouted as she straightened up, fixing her hair and dress. "I'm supposed to be he one taking pictures; you look too gorgeous to be stuck behind the camera!"

I snorted at this. Sure, I loved my outfit, but there was no way I looked remotely gorgeous, especially next to her.

She shot me a playful glare and snatched the camera, holding it to her chest and curling in on herself, doing a freakishly good impression of Gollum, causing us both to burst out laughing. After we'd finished gasping air and rolling around the floor, probably ruining our dresses, we took some photos on the camera. Tonight was I night I definitely didn't want to forget.


At half past seven, a sharp horn blared on the street just outside Jen and Matt's apartment.

"There's Cole and Matt. I hope he didn't do anything to my poor baby. Last time they were in the car, Cole pretended he was gonna kiss Matt with me in the car, he looked so freaked out, bless him. I think he was less scared it was a boy and more scared by the look of amusement on my face."

I cracked a smile; typical Cole. I could totally imagine him doing that.

"You look amazing." Jen beamed as she gave me a long once over, making me feel self conscious in my mid-thigh length, tight white cocktail dress that complimented my tan complexion. I, too, was wearing dangerously high, diamond-encrusted heels (an early present from Jen for my birthday) but, since it was pretty much all I had been wearing recently, I felt pretty confident and safe walking in them.

"Thank you, amazing doesn't even begin to describe how you look; Matt won't be able to control himself!"

We started giggling like cheerleaders, which made us laugh anymore. As we walked down Jen's drive, she whispered in my ear, "I can't wait to see Harry's reaction when he sees you."

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