Midnight Memories- Six

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I sat on the floor with blankets around me eating oreo ice cream and watching The Fast & the Furiouse. We found a hotel in Paris it was two in the moring the next day by time we got here.

"You like this movie?" Ace asked walking into the living room running a hand through his wet hair.

"Yes, got a problem with it?"

"It's a guy movie"

"There is nothing sexyer than a man who can drive a car like that and who can take care of there woman"

"I can drive a car like that"

"But your a man whore"

"There's a reason for that"


"Give me one of the pillows and share the blanket"

"Touch me and you die" I say pointing at him. Once he got under the blanket I laid my feet across him.

"Thought you said no touching?"

"I'm touching you, you aren't touch me." I stuck my tounge out at him.

"So go on" I said after a minute.

"Well she was the first girl I decided to date, we ended up dating for a year. Well five months into the relationship she got pregnate. Than when the year mark hit she left, with my baby."

"Awh. Was it a boy or girl?"

"Its a girl. My babygirl" he said looking down at my painted toes.

"I'm sorry."

"And ever since than I've slept with every girl for pay back but she'll never know"

"I see."

"Yeah. She was a real bitch"

"Sounds like it."

"Did you ever tell your mom or Ethan about what happended with Alex?" Ace ask out of no where.

"No, I never told them. I didn't felt it was needed considering that I thought he fell of the face of the earth. What was the point in them taking a part in my misery? I thought I got over it. But I guess when you haven't talked to anybody about it, you never really let go of it."

"You didn't have friends?"

"I islated myself away from them." I say looking at him.

"That's terrible" he said.

"It's not so bad. I started singing than and well look at me now" I say with a smile

"You sing with me almost every night."

"They only come to see me."

"Ha, you wish" Ace said with a smile.

"No need to wish, it's the truth"

"Whatever makes you happy, Sunshine" Ace asked.

"There's only about one thing to make me happy about being with you twenty four seven" I state.

"What might that be?" he asked

"To go on a real date."

"I think I can take care of that, tomorrow at eight"

"Well aren't you sweet sometimes." I say.

"Don't get use to it."

"Asshole" I say looking at him.

"Yeah, I am. Now lets finish watching this movie" he said. I turned my attention back to the movie, but not shortly later I fell asleep.

"Mhmm" I said as I was being carried.

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