Midnight Memories- Nineteen

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"He's in a coma" Katherine said. I froze, Ace's hard chest pressing against my back.

"Wh-when will he wake up?" I stutted. Ace's hands came on my bare arms rubbing them gently.

"I don't really know. It could be days, months, and even-" Ace growled shutting her up.

"But I'm sure it'll be a soon. He's a wolf, they heal faster than humans" she said nervously before bowing than rushing out the front door.

I went and sat down on the floor by him and took his hand running my thumb in circles.

"Can he hear me?" I ask to anyone.

"I'm pretty sure. " Seth said but I didn't bother to look at him I just nodded. Ace kneeled down to me and I looked up to him with no expression on my face.

"Babe, I need to go talk to my dad. Is it okay if I leave? Just for a few hours, I'll be back to go to bed."

"Sure, Mr. Alpha Sir" I said with a tiny smile. He chuckled and kissed me.

"Seth stay here. Lucas will be coming soon. Do not let them leave until the grounds are clear" Seth nodded before sitting down in a recliner and closing his eyes.

"I love you. Stay strong" Ace said before leaving.

"Do you remember that time we went camping?" I ask Ethan. "Mom almost fell in the lake and we couldn't stop laughing. Or how I caught a bigger fish than you? No no no. Do you remeber the time you and I went to the movies? And that guy was hitting on me and you went off on him? That was so funny. He was so scared. " I laughed a little before going on about another time.

I must of drifted off to sleep because the next thing I know Ace is carrying me up the stairs.

"Is he awake yet?" I ask sleep laced in my voice.

"No, sorry babe. He will soon, promise" I smiled with my eyes shut.

Ace sat me down on the bed before pulling my pants off that were covered in dirt and than he took off my shirt. I could feel the leaves in my hair and tried to pick them out till' Ace began to after putting what I assumed was one of his shirts.

"I need to take a shower" I said trying to stand up. Ace pushed me down gently.

"You need to sleep. You can take a shower in the morning."

"But I smell" I say laying down anyways. He laughed

"You smell fine, babe" he said crawling into bed with me and pulling me to his chest.

"Ace?" I asked right on the edge of sleep.

"Tell me he's gonna wake up. Tell me"

"He's gonna wake up, babe. I know he will"

"I love you." I whisper.

I didn't quit hear what he said before I fell asleep but I assume it sounded alot like I love you too.

I woke up with the sun on my face. I smiled till' I stretched and arms didn't tighten around me. It came to my attention our shower was on so I got up and slipped through the almost closed door.

I could see his large build through the steamy glass shower walls. He was slightly slounched with water flowing down his beautiful face. I dropped all my clothes and quitly opended the door. I knew he knew I was in here, he could smell me.

I ran my hand down his back and he stood up straight before turning around.

"Rain." he said grabbing me and pressing be against his chest gently.

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