Midnight Memories- Two

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I rolled over in my bed, landing on the floor. What a lovley way to start my fucking morning, and I have to go clean Ethan's dorm? Nice. I get up, grumbling. Stalking to the shower in the same clothes I wore to the movies last night. Ebony was really a nice girl, we had a lot of things in common. We have exchanged numbers, so we can text in class.I start Sky and drive to Ethan's dorm.

I go straight to the kitchen knowing it's probably the worse. I was right, but on the fridge was a note.

"Dear Sis,

Forgot to mention I have a room mate.



"Probably a girl" a mutter to myself before I get to work.


I find my head underneath the couch, everything else was clean but this was just the hell of everything.

"Who is underneath my couch?" a deep voice asked, startling me making me hit my head. I back out sitting on the floor crossed legged before looking up. The first thing I saw was legs, muclear ones, than it was hips, than a beautful chissised chest, deffinatly a guy, strong wide shoulders, finally was his face his strong jaw line with a stuble, plump lips,his high cheek bones, bright blue eyes, and finally his dark black hair that went to his shoulders. I stood up after noticting that I've been staring for too long.

"I'm Ethan's sister, Rain" he lifted any eyebrow.

"Like the water that falls out the sky?" he ask walking into the kitchen.

"Yes and you would be?"

"The best thing to walk this earth" I let out a chuckle.

"Cocky are we?"

"Only the sexiest are" he explains.

"Than I guess I should be the cocky one than." I said putting dishes in the sink from underneath the couch and being washing them.

"We'll see" He says walking away before stopping.

"Name's Ace"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Cocky"

"You too, Sunshine" he says smirking before walking away. I get back to work under the couch when I hear loud music playing, rap music. No I'm not one of them people who hate rap, I actually love it. I could rap the song that was playing, that's how well I knew it. I was about to when I herd Ace rapping. I got up and walked into the dining room where he was. He stopped looking at me and I start rapping from where he left off.

"Okay okay Sunshine, not to bad" he says after the songs over.

"I'm better at singing and I think that was better than you." I say smirking walking away. I grab my purse about to leave.

"So soon to leave?" he ask winking at me. I'd have to admit he was hot, but bad boys aren't any good.

"It's six in the afternoon, should of woken up earlier if you want to see me."

"Rapping at the club makes it hard to wake up at dawn when that's when I get home and don't nobody wanna see you" I laughed.

"You peform at a club? Which one? Your backyard?"

"No, it's called Red. Not like you'd know anything about a club since your a goody too shoes."

"We'll see. You peforming tonight?"

"Wanna see something you can't handle?" he asks.

"Why because it's so bad?" I asks smirking.

"Mhm. Come see. I go on at ten"

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