Midnight Memories- Ten

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The club was packed when we got there.

"Let's dance" Ace said. I took his hand willingly and we began dancing. I was dancing like a slut but he's my boyfriend, what can I say? He didn't mind the way I was dancing either. Lucas and Seth both found blondes they thought were acceptiable, they look like hookers if you ask me.


Ace pulled me over to the bar where I order an apple tini with carmel.

"Being a big girl tonight aren't we?" Ace practically yelled considering how loud the music was.

"You'd like it too much if I was" I said. He smirked at my reply.

"Always have to be a smartass."

"You love it." I said going back out on the floor, Ace was close behind ofcourse.

"Hey wanna dance?" a guy stepped infront of me making me stop.

"No" I simply replied before trying to move to the side. He stepped to the side blocking my way.

"Come on. Oh who's that your body gaurd?" he said looking over my head, I knew he was talking about Ace.

"Nope, he's my boyfriend" the guy started laughing and I got a questioning look on my face, what was so funny? I looked behind me at Ace, he was mad. He smiled at me before coming to my side.

"There's no way, a guy like him? He's a dipshit!" the guy said inbetween laughs.

"No he's not. He's very smart actually and way better looking than you." I say which was totally true. Ace was very smart and DEFFINATLY better looking than this guy who has to be a meth addict. The guy gripped my arm, hard and before I knew it Ace's fist connected with the guys jaw. I frowend that the spot where the guys hand was.

"Are you alright?" Seth asked me appearing at my side.

"Fine." I said. Lucas jumped infront of me getting Ace off the guy.

"We have to go" Ace said breathless.

"Why?" Seth and I both asked.

"He has the mark" Ace said poiting to the guys neck. Right across his neck was a scar. Ace picked me up giving me a piggy back ride, like I can't walk. It's probably because I'll complain about my feet.

Once we all got in the car, he took off like a maniac.

"This isn't good bro" Lucas said rubbing the nape of his neck.

"I didn't know he was one of them till' I knocked him out" Ace said.

"What did you mean by he has the mark?" I asked.

"Gangs usally have marks on all of there members so other gangs can tell which gang there from. There's just so happens to be a scar, it's told that when you've decieded to be in the gang that they slice your neck." I shiver, that's hurt.

"Do you guys have a mark?" I ask.

"We all have tattos. Mostly on the shoulder but mines down my side" I nod remembering that down his side was a dragon.

"Will I have to get one when if we get married?" I ask.

"Yes but the girls have to get them the same exact place there partners did and they get to pick there own" I smile, I've always wanted a tattoo.

"You could actually get it now" Ace said.

"Well come on than! I'll put it on my card!" I had a debt card with mad money on, I don't know how or when it got there but it did.

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