Midnight Memories- Twelve

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"Wake up baby" My eyes fluttered open to see Ace's smiling face above me.

"Well good moring to you too" I say stretching.

We have plans" he says pulling me out of the bed.

"To go where?"

"You'll find out just go take a shower." he said pushing me into the bathroom.

"Pushy!" I screamed after he slammed the door shut. I could hear him laughing, asshole.


After I was out the shower, I walked into the room with nothing but a towel on. I could hear Ace walking up behind me. He placed a gently kiss on the side of my neck.

"I'm sorry Miss. but it's not aloud in this room to barley wear anything, it's quite dangerous."

"I'm quit sorry Mr. Officer. I'll be sure to wear more next time I enter such a dangerous area" I whispered barley enough for him to hear me.

"No no no. Make sure next time, I get some warning. I'll make sure to be here on time" I began laughing.

"So what should I wear?"

"Something would be nice. "

"I think I might just wear a skirt, now go. You will not see what I look like again till' that speacial night"

"Well that won't be too long" he said leaving. I picked out a black skirt that would go above my wasit some, than I took a floresent pink shirt and tucked it in.


I walked out into the bathroom after doing my hair and makeup. I looked cute I might say.

"Oh don't you just look cute" Ace said walking over, offering me a hand.

"I always look cute."

"Your right espacially in my clothes with your hair up, with your glasses on, no make up on." I smirked at him.

"So where are we going?"

"We my lady are going to go to have a lovley day at the board walk" My face brightend up.

"I've never been to one" I state.

"Yes, I know."

"Why thank you for taking me."

"Come on." he said taking my hand.



It was dark out. Ace and I sat on a farris wheel looking over the ocean. One of his arms were across my shoulders keeping me close to him. We were both terribly tired but we've had so much fun. We were reaching the top. And just like in the movies we kissed, deeply. I pulled back smiling at him.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" We sat there till it was our turn to get off.

While we were walking to the car I noticed people following us.


"I know, Honey you can wait to get home. I'll make sure to do my best rubbing those feet" Honey was our code word, he knew I hated being called that. He knew they were following us.

"Maybe we could do what we planned to the other night." I said running my fingers up his chest. He knew I ment the plan we had to save him.

"Let's warn the others that the house is all ours than" We got into his car. I grabbed his cellphone out of his pocket and called Mark.

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