Reading aloud

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Trans Shuichi :)
Here's the angst Lemon wanted and trans Shuichi my other friend wanted. 👍

I turned it fluffy fast because angst hurts me a lot.. how could you request it :'(
Jk jk I'm good with writing it ;0 .. okay anyway..


*12:03 a.m. / Shuichi's POV*

The water from the shower faucet sprayed onto Shuichi's back. He could feel the stinging sensation of the water hitting his thighs.. his cuts.. he tried to lower the heat of the water but it didn't help. Cold water made them feel even worse. the burning numbing feeling.

He sat on the shower floor with his arms wrapped around his chest.. tears gently and silently pouring down his face. He crossed his legs. Disgusted with himself. He gagged at the mounds on his chest and his feminine body. He dug his nails into himself, not enough to draw blood, but pinching him back from doing it again. He had enough scars and cuts to last him years. He didn't want it to get out of hand and someone find out.

You can't call yourself a man. Look at you. They all hate you. They will hate you if they found out your secret. Your not a real man.

Thoughts pouring into his head like the water from the shower faucet. His crying got more violent. The only one who knew was Rantaro.. Shuichi always doubted whether he really loved him. He panicked.. scared to go back out to see him.


After he finished showering, he immediately put his binder back on. Tightening it. He put the rest of his clothes on and dried his hair and face. He made sure he looked like he hadn't been crying. He slowly turned the doorknob, and flicked off the bathroom light. He dragged his feet onto the carpet and he enter their shared bedroom. Rantaro half asleep in bed already.

He heard the covers shift and a tired Rantaro spoke.. "Hey baby.. done showering?"

Shuichi nodded simply and looked through his drawer. He didn't speak. He stayed silent. But Rantaro was soon suspicious of how quiet he was being.

"Shuichi? Is everything alright? Your being kinda quiet." Rantaro asked, the concern in his voice raising.

"Oh uh, yeah. I'm fine. Just tired." He forced a smile and stared at Rantaro through the dark.

"Come lay down then.. it's late."

Hesitant, but still willing, he walked over to Rantaro in bed. He folded the sheets back and climbed in bed with him. Rantaro immediately pulling him into a hug and kissing the whole side of his face.

The navy haired boy's face burned red.. he giggled and wrapped himself around Rantaro, letting himself get needy.

"Can I have more kisses.."

Rantaro giggled and pressed his face into Shuichi's head. "Of course.. anything for my angel."

He kissed his cheek and spread to his forehead and down to the part of his neck peeking out from under his shirt.

Shuichi managed to return a couple of kisses, but wasn't nearly as brave as his lover.

Rantaro squeezed him in their hug, that was his way of saying 'I love you' when he was tired.

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