High school Confession AU

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A/N: Figured I would change up the AU a little! THANK YOU FOR 200+ READS! YO THATS CRAZY! Okay okay, on to your story...

* 6:37 a.m. / Shuichi's POV *

Shuichi rode the bus in silence. He was sitting in the brown leather seat, all alone.. watching houses and trees pass by through the window. The boy had a lot on his mind. He couldn't seem to focus on anything but that one thought that clouded his mind. He held his black backpack on his lap, he started to feel overwhelmed.. he took out a notepad he had kept in his backpack, he flipped the cover, going through the frail pages. He finally got to an empty one and took a mechanical pencil from his bag. He started jotting down a story, it had a lot to do with the situation he was in..

He wrote about a boy who liked one of the more popular boys at school, he had messy green hair with bright green eyes. His voice was so soothing, he had all kinds of piercings on his ears.. and he was so kind. To everyone. Especially this particular boy, who everyone hated. He was too shy and it was so hard to make friends.. the more popular boy hung out with him every lunch, leaving his many friends behind to hang out with him. It made the boy feel special, and he developed a crush on him. He got the courage to ask him, and they got together, the ending was sweet and happy.

Shuichi's anxiety came back. He was so scared. The ending in his story was happy, but he wasn't sure about his own.. this boy might not even like other boys.. and if he did, Why would he ever like Shuichi of all people? The kid that could barely talk to him without freaking out. Shuichi kept his hopes up. He had liked this kid for a year and a half now. He met him in freshman year, and he stuck with him, everyday at lunch until his sophomore year, and now, his junior year. He started liking him his second year of high school... and still hasn't been able to shake him. He had held back his feelings for so long. He had to tell him, today at lunch.

The bus came to a stop, Shuichi snapping out of his zone. He watched everyone around him stand up and leave the bus, he shoved his notebook and pencil into his backpack in a panic. He stood up and waited for the line in the aisle get to the last person, he got out of his seat behind him, and continued out of the large bus.

He walked alone, everyone in their groups going into the front doors of his high school. He rushed up the stairs to his first period class, it's not like he was late, but he couldn't stand worrying about BEING late when he didn't head there immediately. He went into his class, He had ELA first period, room 213.. His friend, Kaede Akamatsu, was already in class getting her binder and books out of her backpack.

He took his seat in the desk next to her, she looked up at him greeting him with a smile. " Good morning Saihara! " She said excitedly. Her energy was definitely what he needed in the morning. She was wearing a black t-shirt with her classic ruffled pink skirt. She looked wide awake and ready for anything.

" Good morning to you too, Akamatsu.. " He said tiredly. She grinned again patting his shoulder which made him flinch. He bent down and started taking out his things as well. Everyone rushed into the class last second. The bell rang, a groan erupted from the class.. The teacher walked in, she looked extremely tired. She had directions on the board. Kaede read them in a whisper to herself, she grabbed her notebook and started on the assignment they were given. Shuichi did the same..

* Time skip (so I don't have to go through all his classes before lunch) *

The bell rang, He was currently in Science class, Shuichi packed his stuff. He hadn't thought about where he was headed next.. It hit him... Lunch... a wave of panic went through him. He headed to home room, that's where he went before getting sent down to the lunchroom. They had a small amount of study hall time after lunch, that's when he would tell him. He got to his home room class and set his bag down.

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