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A whole chapter of Shuichi being childish? Yes.


*Rantaro's POV*

"Shu? What are you doing?" Rantaro asked in a displeased, tired voice.

Shuichi had slipped away while they were cuddling and had now disappeared.

"Shuuuu!" Rantaro groaned again, but didn't get a response.

He heard the door creak back open and his navy haired boyfriend entered the room. He was carrying every blanket in the house with him, and considering Shuichi was obsessed with owning at least twenty blankets in every room, let's just say there were a LOT of them. Rantaro pretended to be mad at him for running away while they were cuddling and crossed his arms. Attempting to look angry.

Shuichi set the blankets down on the bed and Rantaro couldn't fake being mad anymore. He cracked a smile.

"What are you doing silly.." He muttered tiredly. "Why so many?"

"It's cold!" Shuichi whined. Rantaro could have sworn he was cold-blooded or something. Shuichi went back to franticly searching.

"...angel what are you lookin' for?" Shuichi kept throwing blankets out of his way and checking the floor.

Rantaro then realized what he was looking for. A while back for Valentine's Day Rantaro had gotten Shuichi a dog stuffed animal with a little thread stitched heart on it's back. Boy, did Shuichi love that thing. He slept with it every night and it turned into a huge comfort item for him. Did he think it was weird? Of course not. He thought it was the cutest thing ever.. Rantaro found the stuffed animal under the covers on his side and handed it to Shuichi who let out a breath of relief and accepted it from the other male.

The smaller male climbed back into bed and flopped onto Rantaro, curling up at his side. He dragged the fifty blankets to his side and tucked himself in with each one of them, he even tried to be nice and tuck Rantaro in with him. Rantaro felt like he was going to overheat by the time the second blanket hit him.

"If your really that cold baby go turn off the fan.." Rantaro told him.

Another thing Shuichi did was keep the portable fan they had on all night every night. He hated being cold but kept it on because of the noise it made. He could not stand the silent room at night, especially when he had trouble sleeping (which was a lot) and Rantaro fell asleep before him.

"N-no! I need that-" He answered still piling the blankets on himself.

He finally laid down to settle in and Rantaro wrapped his hands around Shuichi. "We all good now? Can I sleep?" He chuckled and gave a tired grin.

Shuichi looked around a few times like he was making sure he had everything and nodded. He hugged the stuffed animal and blankets and calmed himself.

"Night angel." Rantaro said playfully and pecked the navy haired male's cheek a couple times.

"Goodnight.." said the sleepy Shuichi, he yawned right after digging himself back into Rantaro's side.

He didn't mind though.

He loved his angel so much.


suddenly I have a million ideas but when I started them I immediately gave up ;)


523 words (just a baby one to give you a will to live)
Date; 1/21/21
Completed: 10:23

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