Library day!

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This is sorta a part 2 to the AU I was doing in the last part hehe
I may be continuing it as the *main* AU for the other stories I have planned.

*8:37 a.m./Shuichi's POV*

Shuichi opened his eyes and immediately got blinded by the sun shining through the scarlet curtains. He didn't feel like moving, he was extremely sore for some reason. Laying in bed felt extremely empty, he finally was able to turn himself and figured out the reason, Rantaro was no where to be seen. He tossed and turned a few times before deciding he was going to get up... he removed the slick white sheets from himself and sat up. His head pounded and he felt dizzy. He rubbed his head gently and eventually the feeling started to weaken and faded completely. He turned his head to the window, The bare tree slowly moving in the wind, the last couple leaves hanging on to the branches. He turned and scanned the room.. Rantaro had his bag and everything packed, his clothes were folded and laying in the basket, the room was suddenly way cleaner than it was last night. Shuichi sighed to himself, he started to feel like a burden.. Rantaro always beat him to laundry and dishes. He always cleaned the room for him and organized everything. He treated Shuichi like a king, of course it's not like he EVER minded not having to do laundry, but he wanted to do something for Rantaro for once.

Shuichi made his way out of bed, and slowly opened the bedroom door.. he walked into the hall, in his extremely baggy shirt and his sweatpants. Rantaro turned to him and his face lit up with huge smile.. " Well good morning! How'd you sleep? " Rantaro said, his voice calm and friendly. " O-okay I guess.. kinda feels like I didn't sleep at all.. " Shuichi replied after a yawn. Rantaro was making breakfast, he had eggs on the stove and bacon set aside on two separate plates.. " Aww sorry baby.. maybe you can take a nap later? " ... " Yeah, I could try. " Shuichi noticed Rantaro was completely dressed and ready to *go*. Shuichi groaned loudly and Rantaro looked over a bit concerned. " Hey what's wrong? " Rantaro asked staring at Shuichi who looked quite mad.

" ...Your going to the library again today? " Shuichi said in a sad tone.. " I really wanted to spend today with you. " Rantaro rubbed the back of his neck and started to look a bit upset. " I'm sorry Shu.. Oh! I got it! " Rantaro perked up and smiled wide at Shuichi, and Shuichi just stared at him confused. " You could come with me! If the library isn't that busy we could sneak off and hang out there! " Rantaro looked like he already had a plan forming in his head as he started to prepare breakfast again, he walked over with their plates and stared at Shuichi.. waiting on a response.

Shuichi took a moment to consider it and finally decided it would be fun to spend the day with Rantaro at the library, "Yeah, that sounds fun. " Shuichi said calmly started to eat.. " Does that mean I have about five minutes to get ready? " He said jokingly, even though it was probably true. Rantaro shook his head, " It's alright, Take your time, eat, get ready and all that. They won't care what time I show up if I have help. " He giggled and continued to eat.

*Time skip~ 10:32/ Both\Rantaro's POV*

Rantaro and Shuichi walked into the Library, Holding hands and wearing huge coats. The library was peaceful and quiet just like you'd expect from a library. A couple of the other volunteers waved at them walking in and Shuichi stayed close to Rantaro trying to avoid the eye contact of the others. Rantaro smiled at them and Introduced Shuichi.. " Hey guys. I brought someone with me.. This is Saihara! "

Shuichi managed a small wave, and they smiled at him from the desk. Rantaro and Shuichi sat their coats downs and started to help with the books that needed to be put away. He started to show Shuichi how the library labeled books and how to find where there supposed to go.

After a long while of getting books sorted out, they headed over to the rows of shelves, Rantaro started putting books away on one shelf and Shuichi did the other side. Rantaro was working until he got distracted by Shuichi giggling on the other side of the shelf. Rantaro snuck around the other side and looked at Shuichi who was laughing on the floor, his back against the shelf.. " Whatcha doing Shu..? " Rantaro said trying not to laugh at him. Shuichi gasped at him, acting like he had no clue Rantaro was there, He dashed around to the other side of the shelf.

Shuichi kept running from Rantaro, Turning their book sort into a game of tag. Rantaro caught Shuichi running around the side of one of the back shelves and went a different way, He rushed around the other side, right where Shuichi was running and grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug. Rantaro laughed as Shuichi tried to free himself.. " Caught you Shu.. you thought you could get away. " Shuichi kept squirming and they both fell over, Rantaro still keeping his grip on the smaller boy. Shuichi sighed loudly, " Okay okay, you win Rantaro.. " He said sounded disappointed but then he smiled up at Rantaro sticking his tongue out. Rantaro ruffled the boy's dark hair up and Shuichi groaned. " your mean.. " Shuichi pouted. Rantaro burst out laughing and they both just sat on the floor in each other's arms.

After they finished the book sorting they had really nothing else to do. They found couple of books and sat down together and took turns reading pages, Rantaro read more pages than Shuichi, who got all awkward sometimes when it was his turn.. Rantaro didn't mind reading to Shuichi at all.

* Time skip (Heading back home)~ 10:39 p.m. / Both POV *

Rantaro and Shuichi fought about whether they would walk or ride the bus home, Rantaro wanted to ride the bus for once because he felt bad dragging shuichi in the freezing cold... Shuichi wanted to walk because he knew Rantaro did not want to ride the bus at all. " Rantaro, I'll be fine! We can walk it's okay! " Shuichi said quite loudly. Rantaro sighed and finally gave in.

They walked home, Rantaro had his arm around Shuichi and kept messing with his hair. Shuichi tried to fight back every time but couldn't win. They got home and Shuichi honestly couldn't believe Rantaro walked home, THAT FAR, almost every night. They headed in their apartment, and started getting ready for bed, Rantaro did some extra chores that made Shuichi angry and begged him to stop saying he would take care of it tomorrow. EVENTUALLY.... Rantaro stopped.

Shuichi and Rantaro cuddled together, both of them were really cold. Rantaro grabbed extra blankets and wrapped them around Shuichi. " I had a lot of fun today Rantaro... Thank you. " Shuichi said softly half asleep.. " Anytime, I love you, get some sleep baby. " He replied, stroking Shuichi's hair.

" I love you too. "


My hands are going to fall off, to everyone who writes MORE than 2000 words, you guys are crazy...


Words: 1210
Date; 11/23/20
Completed: 12:04 a.m.
(( May start a draft 3 rn 😏))

Amasai BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora