A/N :)

520 7 4

Not a chapter, just wanted to say, I've noticed more people are reading this which is making me panic sjjsjd

I really just did this for fun lmao I didn't expect people to start reading this,, I'm kinda embarrassed now haha
Thank you though, I think some people enjoy this hopefully..  My writing isn't the best I apologize, I'm trying my hardest and attempting to get better, I'm learning from others and for myself. I want to keep writing this story because it's getting a little bit of attention and Originally this was to just write out my Amasai ideas and work on writing.

Certainly not an author- I should just stick to drawing nhkdhdj

If anyone cares, I have many drafts saved to post tomorrow but of course it's late (12:33 at night rn and I haven't slept in a couple days due to writing :'D) and some of them need editing/finishing so tomorrow I should have 1-3 more stories posted, after that I'm pretty much out of ideas haha. I'll find more.. probably go bug my best friend who might be reading this rn 😏

Okay bye, I'll see a couple people tomorrow-

— Dist0rted ;)

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