In-game fluff :)

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In-game AU! I loved the scene with Kaede and Rantaro, when he was doing her nails, so why not recreate it with them?

* 10:47 p.m. / Rantaro's POV *

Rantaro was getting ready for bed in his room, the nighttime announcement's already chimed in for the night. Rantaro tried his best to stay calm. He couldn't add to the amount of people freaking out about the situation they were in, a killing game.. it hurt his stomach thinking about it. His head was completely packed, what's my talent? Why are they here? Can I trust anyone?.... He sighed to himself. He was exhausted, he definitely had enough thinking for one day. He tried to stay positive. The people he met, they would never kill anyone. He was sure of it. Of course... he didn't know anyone that well. He was honestly assuming on what he had seen on the outside, it's so easy to hide behind a 'mask'. anyone here could actually not be what he expected. He had to keep his guard up. Trust no one.

He had met some pretty nice people, he was sure he could trust them.. maybe not with everything.. but he did trust they would never hurt anyone. Kaede and Shuichi were the first to pop into his head. He had talked with them almost all day. They were both kind people, they would never. He sat on his bed, groaning, sick of all this. He just wanted to get out of this place.

Ironically, there was a small knock at the door. He sat there frozen, staring blankly at the door. Oh no... he thought. He slowly stood up, trying not to make any sudden sounds. His mind tried to reassure him, maybe it's just one of my friends.. but a sensible part still told him to be cautious, seriously who would be knocking this late? Here to kill me probably-

He walked up to the door, turning the handle slowly, his fists at ready. As the door creaked open, he had met the face of Shuichi. Don't let your guard down, don't let your guard down, don't let your guard down his mind chanted.

" u-uhm hey.. Rantaro.. " He spoke softly, hiding his eyes underneath the brim of his hat. " Sorry I'm knocking at your door so late. " Rantaro sorta just stood there, waiting for him to explain. " Oh hey. It's alright, not like I can sleep anyway. " He said calmly after a while.

" This sounds..- I'm not sure, but uhm, you wouldn't mind if I came in right? " He said quietly, Rantaro had to admit, it was extremely hard to hear the detective.

He smirked, " Is my room being investigated? I swear I'm not guilty. " He joked, Shuichi had a slight smile that disappeared quick. " N-no.. I just can't sleep and I mean.. I guess we're friends, right..? It's too q-quiet in my room, making me a-anxious by the second. " He tripped over words a bit, he was shaking too.

Rantaro was about to speak before thinking again, it could be an act, he might not have good intentions. He considered it for a little bit.. and told himself he could easily fight back, it was his room not Shuichi's.. he didn't think that Shuichi would stand a chance if Rantaro was fighting for his life. He didn't have anywhere to hide a weapon either. Plus... he did seem really scared.

Ugh me and my big ass heart.

He nodded, opening the door some more to let him in.

They sat and talked about Rantaro's talent, the school, and whatever came to mind.

After a while of silence, Rantaro remembered something.. He had nail polish that Kaede lent him. He grinned randomly and Shuichi looked over confused. " Shuichi.. would you allow me to do your nails? " Rantaro asked.

" My n-nails? Uhm... I mean I guess- " He stated quickly, not letting himself finish. Rantaro stood up and grabbed the plastic container Kaede gave him, it had all kinds of colored polishes, and a ton of extra things to add after dried, rhinestones, glitter.. almost anything you could think of. He looked over with a smile pointed at Shuichi who seemed scared.. " What color? "

" Black... I don't want anything too flashy. " Rantaro nodded getting out the polish. " Just want a plain gradient? " he added... " Mhm.. " Shuichi hummed.

He sat back down next to Shuichi, reaching out his hand, the other stared for a second and slowly reached his hand over putting it in Rantaro's. He was shaky and could barely keep his hand still. He smiled at Shuichi sweetly, " it's alright shuichi, nothing to be scared of. " Rantaro rubbed his thumb against his hand, while he looked for his nail file. It sent a shiver down the other boy's spine. He started filing Shuichi's nails, being as gentle as possible. Afterwards, he took his hand away for a second, getting the polish, opening it and rubbing the small brush against the rim, getting the excess off it. He took Shuichi's hand again, he took the brush and started on his nails. After finishing the first hand switching to his second. Shuichi was sitting silently.. mesmerized by the process, and Rantaro's focus.

He finished the first coat, letting go of his hand. " So.. it looking okay so far? " Shuichi nodded his cheeks turning pink. He started on the second coat after letting it dry.

After completely done, Shuichi looked at his nails, pretty amazed. " Wow.. I love them.. I didn't think painting my nails would be, uhm, I don't know.. this cool? How'd you learn to do this so good.. "

Rantaro blushed.. " Oh it's nothing. Anyone could do just plain black nails. " He muttered. Shuichi looked up at him, making eye contact for the first time, " I couldn't. " he stated, his golden eyes straying back towards the ground.

They sat in silence for a moment.. what's this feeling? I don't know if I like it... Every time he looked at Shuichi he felt a knot form in his stomach and his face heat up. He ignored it, keeping his calm composure.

Shuichi was smiling, still silently admiring his nails. " y'know, you look prettyyy cute with painted nails. " Rantaro grinned, He watched Shuichi hide his eyes again and his cheeks turn red. " C-cute?! " He repeated in distress.

Oh shit, I didn't mean cute, I mean I did... but not saying it OUT LOUD.

" I- uh meant.. uhm.. " A bit of panic rushed through him. " -Sorry.. if I made you.. uncomfortable. " He lowered his head, it didn't sound like he liked that comment very much.

" N-n-no it's a..alright, I just uh wasn't expecting 'cute' " he mumbled embarrassed.

They sat quietly. Both were extremely embarrassed. It made everything awkward.

Out of the blue, Shuichi jumped over and wrapped his arms around Rantaro, giving him a random hug. Rantaro got flustered, " I- uhm- " stutters is all he could manage.

" Sorry about uh t-this.. I wanted to thank you, for my n-nails. " Shuichi was bright red too... " it was seriously nothing,," Rantaro put his hands around Shuichi, properly accepting his hug.

" you... don't m-m-mind if we just.. uh.. m .. stay like.. this. " Shuichi could barely form a sentence, his words were panicky.

" Of course not. " Rantaro smiled sweetly, hugging the smaller boy harder.


Welp this took FOREVER for some reason.. I'll try and update tomorrow, first day back to school. 😀

Ima be so tired oml....


1222 words (I think I lost count)
Date; 11/30/20
Completed: 12:26 a.m.


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