Chapter 8 - "Easton You Drive Me Crazy!"

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I don't even know which rule we broke just now, but either way, I've been almost magnetized back to the shack. Other than my body, laying lifeless in the corner, they're back. The people who brought me here. She needs to come back in contact to my music. That's the only way I'll make it out of this alive. Come on Kelsey, come on I think to myself. Somehow it appears that she's the key. She's the one I need to reach. She's the one that needs to help me get out of this hole that i've somehow dug for myself.


My mom and I are walking back onto shore and I can't get Easton out of my head. Once I tried to hide him, I watched for him, but there wasn't any signs of him.

"Kels, you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," I say as reassuring as possible. Although we talked and made up, I still feel broken, like a part of me has been taken. I try to shake away the negative thoughts as we carry the canoe up and lay it against the house. She slings her arm over my shoulders and I naturally put my my arm around her waist and we walk into our kitchen.

"I'm going to drive around and see what they have to eat around here, since our lunch is soggier than we'd like it to be," and we both laughed.

"Okay," I replied," I'll be up in my room." She kissed me goodbye, and left the house. I'm glad to have some alone time. It'll give me a chance to think.

I climb The steps while the floor boards beneath me creak with every step I take. I reach the end of the hallway and shut my door. I bring out my guitar and strum a couple of cords and start to sing the melody of the song i'm working on.


I play the last cord and I hear Easton's voice.

"That was great ya know." he says. I laugh a little, lay down my guitar, and lay flat on the floor. I see him attempt to lay next to me. We lay on my newly placed rug, just staring at the ceiling together.

"Hey Easton?"

"Yeah?" he says.

"So, what did happen to you?" I ask, hoping for an answer.

"I'm sorry Kelsey. It's really just not time yet. Don't ask when I'll be able to tell you either because it's complicated and I really just don't know right now." He sounded agrivated, and I could tell it was a touchy subject that should be left untouched.

"Okay Easton, I'll wait, as long as I know eventually!" I say a little louder trying to make him aware of my conditions. Then, I see my mom's headlights as the tires bounce on the curb up to the driveway. I sit up and turn to Easton to tell him that he needs to hide, but he's already gone. He needs to stop leaving without saying goodbye. I smile to myself and get up to meet my mother for lunch.

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