Chapter 3 - More From You

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I shatter to the floor, shocked from the voice behind me. I cover my eyes and lie on the floor pulling my knees into my chest. Who was that? Why didn't I hear them? Why were they in here? My room is silent. I peek through my hands and see nothing. I get up slowly, watching everything. Who was that? Was it my imagination? Am I going crazy? I decide it's probably just me being stressed so I decide to leave my room and go for a walk. I had to clear my head. I open one of the boxes marked 'fall clothes' and pull out one of my sweatshirts. I pull it over my head and walk out the door.

"I'll be back soon mom!" I holler. She jogs into the living room.

"Where are you going? Dinner'll be ready in like 10 minutes!"

"For a walk," is all I tell her before almost slamming the door in her face. I'm still not happy with her.

I look around the new neighborhood with some kids playing in the front yards while their parents sit out in lawn chairs drinking beers. For them, it's a casual Friday. They glance at me as I pass, but look away carrying on with their conversations. I don't have mixed emotions. I know exactly how I feel. I feel jealous. Jealous, because my family will never be whole again. Jealous, because they have the perfect family with not a member who wanted legal documents saying they weren't together. Those parents have love, which my parents apparently did not. Why didn't they? Was it because of me? My phone vibrated, making me jump, and I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Hey Kelsey, Dinners ready?" I breathe louder than usual.

"You gonna be home soon?" She sighs.

"Yeah mom I will. I'm turning around now, I'll be back in a few," and I hang up the phone. I'll probably be yelled at for it later, but I don't care right now. It's the least of my concerns.


I arrive at the house and open the front door and slip off my shoes. My mom sits alone at the dinning room table probably figuring out my punishment. I wouldn't be surprised if it were 3 weeks with nothing. No tv. No laptop. No phone. Here it comes, I think to myself. Bring it on mom show me your wrath.

"How was your walk?" she asks. I'm not amazed at the calm attempt. She used it a lot on my dad.

"Good," I mutter as I grab a piece of pizza and sit down across from her.

"Kels..." she says casually.

"Yeah?" I say staring at my pizza. I don't want to look at her. She changed my world and it's not something you just forgive and forget.

"I know what your doing. The cold shoulder is pathetic and you need to stop. I am your mother, not a murderer who stole you. Talk to me," she almost yells. I can't take yelling. It riles me up fast.

"Mom, I'm not talking about this. So stop trying." I get up and start walking towards the stairs. I don't need this. Everythings hard enough. It will be better after I escape everything for a while.

"Then your grounded, until you can control yourself and quit acting like a child." I storm upstairs and close my door. I gather my 'electronics fragile' box and shove it out into the hallway with my phone on top. I don't want to see her when she picks it up. I slam my door shut and walk to my bed. Reality has its weird way of catching up with people at bad times and mine is just kicking in. I lay my head on my pillow and tears start rolling down my face. I sing through my tears into my pillow making my voice muffled.

Trust the one Who's been where you are wishing all it was Was sticks and stones Those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone And you're not invisible

A shadow appears over me. I look up and see nothing, but I hear that voice. The same voice that spoke to me earlier. Between sobs, I ask.

"Hello? Who's there?" I look around and nothing changes. I know i'm alone, but am I? The branch against my window starts rattling again, but almost the second it starts, it stops. The branch looks like its suspended out in the air so it can't hit my window. With the wind blowing fiercely outside, it shouldn't be motionless.

"Seriously, whose there? Becca? Mom? I get it now OK! I'm sorry! Just stop messing with me!" My tears have stopped, but are replaced with aggravation.

"I'm not affraid any more! Just stop!" I look around for cables or a camera recording my reactions. I see nothing like that. I only hear his voice.

"Your not affraid?" He asks gently. His tone is shocked.

"Not really! Just come out! Quit messing with me! Who are you?" I ask in hope that he'll answer me.

"I'm not messing with you. I'm protecting you." He says. I weirdly relax like im under a drug.

"From what? What do I need to be protected from?" I'm getting antsy. I need this to stop.

"I can't tell you. It's for your own good. I'm sorry Kelsey." He says, his voice fading away.

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