18| Duck Detective

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I slowly opened my eyes, I was on a couch then I heard someone yelling? Where the hell am I!?-

Oh yeah, the League of Villains' hideout but who is yelling...?

I adjusted myself to sit up, rubbing my back with one hand and there I saw a TV, but not the one I saw before the last time I was here, and there was a game on, what was it called, oh right League of Legends- holy duck detective! Is that where Mr crusty got the name! Bahaha that so lame!

"Oh, so you're finally awake, you weak ass brat!"

"Who are you callin' weak ass you Copy-Cat!? Also how long have I been out?" I yell and ask at the end rather more calmly, he sighs and then throws the controller he was holding onto the wall, breaking the thing.

"An hour I suppose, who cares though, you must have had your beauty sleep. What's up with the name 'Copy-Cat', idiot." He says and I give him a look that says '¿Is u blind?' And rise my leg to point out my gorgeous red sneakers. I love these bad boys.

"Tch. Crybaby."

"Why you ass-"

As I'm about to land a punch on his stomach, I notice bandages sticking out under his black shirt's shoulder, the events of earlier today rush back into my idiotic mind and I drift off for a moment. I think of what might have happened and that's when I hear the door opening.

"Good to see you're up, master is expecting you, Deku. And Tomura, how many times have I asked you not to throw a tantrum and take it out on the controller?" Kurogiri sighed and then made a portal, pointing me to go through, of course, I didn't question it.

I walked through and a second later, I was standing in the middle of a dark room, that's when I saw a bunch of screens and lab equipment all around. I stepped further them caught a glimpse at a large chair. There sat a man in a suit, white hair, silver eyes but a tube was connected to his throat, that explains the equipment laying around I suppose.

"Izuku Midoriya, better known as Deku, it's nice to see you in person at last." He spoke, sending shivers down to my spine. I know sure as hell what this guy is capable of, and I do not want to deal with it all by myself.

"A-All for One..."

"No offense sir but I-I thought your head was supposed to be made of mashed potatoes-- 🤧🕯🥔 rip Sasha from aot 🥔🕯🤧-- you know... from the fight with All Might five years ago." I spoke, hoping he wouldn't turn me into a mash potato in a matter of seconds.

"Well, since you know your stuff, I suppose it's only natural for you to ask, I may or may not have a way to rewind an injured state, or just rewind in general." He replied, but it got me wondering to be honest.

Those kinds of quirks are quirt rare, he didn't say quirk though, some sort of mutation perhaps... but to use it against a certain point in one's body is- it's simply, physically, impossible. That is if it's mastered, for example; Recovery Girl.

"A-anyways, what do you want me to do, with all due respect, I might need assistance with the prison break as you have mentioned before, and it seems to me that you're running short o-on men power."

This is so fucking nerve-racking!!!

"Of course, I'm counting on you for that 'men power' as you put it, I'm sure you have some connections, gather a group of elites that would do the trick, I'm afraid we will need some more time to gather enough information and power in order to break into Tartarus. Do you have anyone in mind?"

Well, about that...


F l a s h b a c k


I walked down the dark alley with my hands in my pockets, playing with a knife with my left hand, listening to music, headed to the underworld to get a job done. Seeing a cute cat digging a trash can, I walked over to use my quirk and get something out for the poor thing.

As I did so, I put the wasted food on the ground, the cat looked at me, then let out a low meow sound, I smiled under my black mask, then sighed as I felt a presence beside my own and the cat, but didn't make a move, whoever that was may not be any harm, no need to get violent, am I right?

However, that changed after the smell of ash and burning flames tickled my nose, I finally turned around, there stood a tall guy, the rest of his features were hidden since the light hit him from above, he also had a hood covering him.

"Who the fuck are you?" The mystery A+ guy asked with a raspy tone, I wasn't backing down now, it was obvious he was here for something.

"I could ask you the same thing!" I said as I began readying my knife and setting my stance, "I asked first you brat! This is my territory, get the hell away before I burn you to your bits."

"Ok, first of all, asked you second, rude much? Also, I don't see your name written out here, besides, can't a 'normal' - I personally don't consider myself normal but he doesn't need that info right now- person not help a cat out, what's your-!?"

Before I could finish my sentence, a wave of hot flame balls were shut against me, I luckily dodged as I rolled over, throwing my knife at the same time, I hit his leg, blood drips down on the ground from the open wound, but he doesn't seem to be fazed, but he did stop attacking.

"Deku." I say and he puts out his flames, "Huh?" He mouths and I continue, "You asked who I am, geesh, forgetful are we?"

"You're that vigilante guy, the one working with the hero killer, right?"

At last, we can have a decent conversation.

"Nice to know my 'fame' has reached such value, now it's your turn, who the hell are you?" I asked as I stood back up, walking towards the guy.

"I go by Dabi these days." He says and pulls down his hood, he had this black spiky hair and bright turquoise eyes, and deep, permanent purple burn scars.

'Go by you say...'


"I might actually have some people in mind b-but I'll need some time to track them down." I state with a more serious tone, the villain in front of me nods, then one of Kurogiri's portals appear, there stands the guy himself. "I will be taking you back to the hideout, Deku."

"W-Will that be all...?" I ask before I make it out of this creepy place, "Before you leave, I believe there's something you should know."

As All for One finished talking, footsteps echoed through the hallway leading to this very room, steady, somewhat heavy footsteps, definitely male, and not Shigaraki either since he doesn't need a dramatic entry.

I focus my eyes on the hallway, a white lab coat it in the view, black shoes, and when the lights hit the man's face my eyes go wide, his glasses reflect the light before he takes them off.



1 2 6 0 W o r d s

Hii. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I thought it was time for a plot twist so here we are!!

Also I have a question:

Would y'all want longer chapters, like around 1500 words to 3000 words, I would only need a day more to write but I usually keep the chapters short so its faster to read, lemme know what you want!


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