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(I HAD FANART I SWEAR BUT I AM AT ANOTHER PERSON'S HOUSE AND I AM TO LAZY TO MAKE ANOTHER DRAWING-) ((Edit:So I have to make Benis' face clearer so if it looks a little weird then it is because of the pen))

Kenja had been telling the others that Beni was alive.But they all said the same thing... "Kenja.Grow up and accept that Beni is gone.".But Kenja was having none of that shit.So what if Beni was upset or thinking the others were gone and abandoned her on Killer dinosaur island.But Beni was the sweetest and most innocent one of the group.She was...different then others.They stopped suddenly.Kenja immediately pushed through and took out her small butter knife(I think that is what it is he is holding in the trailers-) "Guys I think we should all back up a little,To be safe."Yasmino said joining Kenja in front considering he was second oldest.A dinosaur that was big or medium came out of the bushes.And it was with leaves all over it and dirt,with mud completing the no parents look.(Ok imagine this like the chandeliALAN meme because Kenji/Kenja will scream at the top of his/her lungs.) "Don't worry I will protect you guys-"she said opening her eyes from her face of bragging.Yasmino knew which dinosaur it was.Sam knew.Daria knew(of course.)And so did Brook.The only one who didn't know which dinosaur that was,Was Kenja. "AHHHhhhHHhHhHhHhHhHhHhhhhhhhHhhHhHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"(if this was a video that would be earrape-)Kenja screamed a high pitch scream. "GO AWAY YOU DINOSAURS!!!!!!"someone yelled.All of the campers knew that voice.

It was Benis'

They saw her and were in shock.

Beni had an electrical staff they use for the dinosaurs with the name carved in.It was her name.Her scent of sanitizer was gone and replaced with only chocolate,And blood.She had messier hair then what she had on the monorail.She eased when she saw it was her fellow campers.She immediately looked at Daria and thought on how she let go at the worst time.She smiled the smile that meant. 'I forgive you but don't expect me to not mention it to your kids.'.Daria smiled the apology smile.Brook put an arm around Darias' shoulder.Beni looked at Sam and Yasmino.Then saw how Sam urged to cry and hug her.She lost the serious attitude and became the empathetic girl she is.She hugged Yasmino too and Yasmino hugged back.Yasmino could feel the tight grip of the girl. 'How the fu-'he thought about it.And just didn't think of it.Kenja rushed to her and hugged her crying. "Beni!I can't how?!"she said between happy sobs. "Long story short.I have actually pretty good skills with weapons!"

-At camp-

"I love the sunset."said Beni. "Same Beni."agreed Sam.Daria was more interested in the dark and mysterious night. "So how are you gonna confess by risking your life.Or gonna wait until we get of killed dinosaur life.Or like gonna tell her while we are here."Yasmino asked looking to just copy what she would do.Kenja looked at the Beni that knew how to survive but Kenja was not letting Beni out of her sight again.Not for even one second.(I wonder how she will sleep-)It was dark by now and Brook had started the fire. "Beni I bet your story is really good!"Sam said disguising his question for her to just tell them a story they would all agree on. "Sam just ask!"said Beni,Laughing.

"Well I landed in water and swam to the shore it was difficult so half the work was done by me and the other one by pure luck or the current...

-Benis' survival-

Beni got out of the water and had wasted a lot of strength pushing herself to live.She stood up and walked as far as she could and turned around to see if anything was chasing her.She sighed of relief.Then passed out with her head surprisingly not breaking or hurting. 'Pure luck...'she thought before she passed out completely.

She woke up to Bumpy sniffing her.She laughed and smiled at Bumpy. "I love you!"she said. "Now where are the others?"she asked the dinosaur.The male just squeaked a response that meant he lost them. "I am not surprised..."

Beni found a cave and saw that it is hid enough from the carnivores.She began looking for defense but gave up. "Welp I will die the very next day looking for food..."she said,Hopelessly.Bumpy came in with a taser staff and dropped it at her feet. "Bumpy-You-How?!Thank you Bumpy!"she said as she hugged her dinosaur friend.

She gave the herbivore some plants and leaves.Bumpy looked happy and ate it.Meanwhile she looked for any carob bars or carob juice pouches.(Fun fact:I thought it was carbon of what Ben kept on eating-I rewatched the episode and was like 'oh-')She round a bar on one side or her pocket in her skirt and a juice in the other pocket. 'These should last me until I find more food and water!'she thought.

From that moment on she was always more and more careful.And less and less pure.She even decided that she would stand up to the T. rex.BIG mistake.Let's just say the only way she survived is because of her taser and strong grip 👌.

After Beni finished her story.She yawned and decided that is was time for bed.Kenja invited Beni to her bed.And a Beni was to innocent to know the other meaning so she accepted and slept with Kenja.Kenja knew she wanted to protect Beni.

They would survive together.

(I might cry of my own chapter.Also I have my email logged on again!I am grateful to my dad for this even though he barely knows how to do that-Anyways bye guys!🦖🦕🐺)

Kenji x Ben(One shots and cracks)Where stories live. Discover now