Confrontation Pending...

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I think I'll choose... Dr. Forbes. I'm very interested in Plastics,' I said whilst staring into Derek's blue eyes which I could literally feel piercing into the back of my brain because he knew fine well why I had done it. I acted confident which I think annoyed Derek more but I didn't care of what he thought right now. I was more angry at him for not saying a word to me until I became useful because he knew damn well that I was talented and could be a great addition to his team. Dr Forbes, myself, Derek and Cristina all walked out of the conference room in single file, silently. The tension was awkward and very apparent and I'm pretty sure that people had an inkling that there was something going on between me and Derek or they thought that there was something going on with me and Forbes. Either way there was going to be plenty of rumours about me and them circling the hospital.

I walked into the conference room, not knowing what to expect, scanning the room to find those green eyes I was so desperate to see. I didn't recognise them anywhere in the room until I heard the door of the room open behind me and saw her walking in. Before she could see that I was watching her, I quickly swung my head back to the front of the room and listened to what the chief had to say. It took everything in me and all my will power to not continuously stare at her even though I could feel the eyes that I destined for, piercing holes through the side of my face. 

That woman. Meredith Grey. I knew fine well that she wasn't interested in Plastics but in fact very interested in Neurosurgery. She is undeniably an amazing surgeon and the curiosity that she sparks in me is what lead me to pick her first. I think she was pissed at me for the day before when she discovered myself and Dr Mei in one of the empty patient rooms. I was helping her decide what she wanted. But she had no reason to get angry or be so disrespectful to an attending when she was the one who cut things off between us and asked for space. That's exactly what I was doing. Giving her space. Even after all I had done for her in the little amount of time that we had known each other, she wasn't sure what she wanted. Rejection was not something I took well. Neither in my career nor my life. Dr Mei was a lovely person and we got on very well. She was everything I was looking for in a relationship except the woman I wanted to be with. Forbes was an attending from Mercy West and I had first heard of him from Meredith, when I was in the ER the day we met. She was not fond of him and told me the one time she'd spoken to him, he was disrespectful and rude towards her. I knew she didn't like him and knew she was doing what she did to get back at me.

We walked out of the conference room, silently, awkwardly and didn't make any sort of contact the whole time until Meredith told Cristina to have a good day since she was on my service instead of Meredith. Even though my face lacked emotion towards Meredith, all I was feeling was mixed emotions. Annoyance and guilt, was all that I felt. Guilt for the clearly misread situation that she witnessed prior to the meeting. The only response I got from Meredith was a sarcastic 'you too Dr Shepherd.' I walked off and the rest of my day was plagued by this feeling that I couldn't shake. It was clear to everyone on my service since I managed to hear multiple murmurs about the conference room episode. And by the end of the day the conclusion was clear. I needed to speak to her. As soon as possible.

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