The Confront.

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Meredith's POV

It was Thursday morning at 10:30am and I was fully awake, getting ready to go in the OR. Forbes stood next to me being gowned and almost flirting with me. He flashed me a cheeky smile and I knew what he was insinuating because of his eyes even though he had a mask on. I too gave one back and once we had been gloved and gowned, he took my hand in his and squeezed it maybe as a sign of reassurance of something else. Everyone had their backs to us and luckily nobody saw at least that's what I thought. I was scrubbing in on a breast augmentation for a 19 year old girl who was clearly influenced by her boyfriend, who in about 2 weeks would be an ex. Nerves were running high since Dr Forbes was allowing me to do part of the procedure. Not a huge part obviously since I was still only an intern but it was much more than any of the other interns had done as far as I was aware. I hadn't spoken one word to Derek since our departure from the conference room meeting where tension was apparent and I had chosen to be on a service that I wasn't even interested in, just to piss him off.  As a rule in the OR, all attendings or key surgeons performing the procedure had to have their back facing the door that acted as an entrance into the OR. Therefore anyone on the other side of the table was the first to see the people that entered. 

We were about 40 minutes into the surgery and Forbes was handing me the equipment to retract the tissue. Even though I really had no interest in continuing in Plastic surgery but rather Neuro, I was still peeing myself with excitement about actually being able to be involved. Usually interns were to sit on the side lines, taking notes, asking questions, and then shutting up again. So to be actually allowed to stand a foot away from the patient let alone manoeuvre my hands throughout the process, was a huge deal. One that I couldn't wait to brag about to Cristina. As I was in the middle of doing what I loved to do, and that wasn't drinking tequila by the way although that was another of my happy places, the OR door swung open luckily not hitting anyone as it did. It was not who I wanted to see. At least not right now whilst I was in the middle of doing something I wasn't technically allowed to do. 

'Dr Forbes. I need one of your interns. One of mine happens to be pregnant and has serious morning sickness so she's not working. I need another intern to do the running around for me. I have labs that need to be taken down and I can't do them myself.'

'Why one of mine Shepherd? Go see Burke, I'm sure he's got a spare one lying around.'

Derek was glaring in my eyes the whole time as there was no reason to look at the back of Forbes. This was the first time we had met eyes since yesterday and it's safe to say, I was glad. Every word that came out of his mouth was followed by not a movement of locking from our eyes. I should've been looking at what I was doing but I just couldn't. His deep blue eyes were fixed on my green pair throughout this time which seemed to go on for years until he said the wrong thing. Except I knew it was coming. It became inevitable. 

'I'll take Dr Grey.' He ordered sternly without giving anyone any motivation to speak up and say no. 

I had no choice. What was I supposed to do? Say no to an attending. I would prefer to keep my job rather than be fired. I began stepping slightly out of the way, making room for another intern to step in and replace me, when Forbes told him no. 

'You can take anyone but Grey. Have Smith. He's available.' It must have taken a lot of guts to speak up to Shepherd the way he did and there was so much awkwardness and tension in the room that a fist fight could've broken out and it wouldn't be shocking or surprising.

'Well since she is doing a procedure she shouldn't be doing, I'm gonna take her and not tell the chief or would you want me to inform him?'

'Grey, go!'

Forbes was pissed and Derek had no reason to be, but he was too. Just like that, what was supposed to be a huge day for me turned out to be just the same old day with a little bit of confrontation. I scrubbed out having every cell in my body fuming at Dr Shepherd. I was scrubbing my hands with the iodine so vigorously and quickly that I could have quite easily continued and scrubbed away my skin. If it was possible, I would have had steam shooting out of my ears too. I stormed out of the scrub room so angry that he had become so low that he had chose me, out of all people, me, to do his dirty work. I made my way down the hallway, Derek no where in sight, and turned right into the stairwell only to be greeted by him. McDreamy. Except this time he wasn't so dreamy instead McBastard.

'Meredith...' he began with a soft voice before I interrupted him.

'No. Listen. I appreciate the space you're giving me. I really do. It's what I asked for. But why the hell did you have to involve my career. What have I done to you that was so bad that you had to ruin a surgery for me? That was his choice. If he wanted to risk being in trouble then you should've let him!  He's a grown man! Leave us alone!' There was a split second of silence before he mumbled under his breathe whilst looking away from me,

'I'm not leaving you too alone, together.'

'WHAT?!?!?!?! If you're gonna say something be man enough and say it too my face!'

'Not ready my arse Meredith. You and Forbes clearly have a thing going on. Maybe that's why chose a weak speciality and apparently a suck up surgeon instead of focusing on your career. You made this about your career not me. You, Meredith.' All this was said whilst my mouth was slightly ajar, shocked at what I was hearing come out of his mouth.

'Well you seem to be pretty cosy with someone yourself. And don't just tell me that youse are friends because from the way she interacts and flirts with you seems to be much more than friends.' I fired back at him. He was not about to accuse me when he wasn't exactly being respectful himself. 

'Mei? Really Meredith? Don't you see? Are you really that oblivious?'

I was so confused and frustrated by his words and his expressions. His manners and posture. Everything about him was confusing me. I dropped my head trying to figure out quickly what he was talking about when I felt skin touch my chin. He lifted my head ever so gently. Kissed me on the cheek and walked off out of the stairwell door which was behind me. I stood in the same position in disbelief and anger. He was not about to leave this conversation and kiss me. He didn't have the right to kiss me. I marched myself back out of the hallway, fast walking so I could catch up with him. 

'Excuse me! Dr Shepherd!'

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