Chapter 8

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-Seth's Point of View-

*3 weeks later*

It's been exactly 3 long ass weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, and 59 minutes since Joe has even looked at me, let alone talked to me outside of the ring. I can see the pain that is in his eyes every single time we are in the ring together though. I've tried to talk to him,  I've tried to explain that I don't have the same feelings for Randy as I do for him,  but he won't listen to me. I walk into the Royal Rumble arena hand in hand with the man they are making me be with, and accidentally bump into Joe because I had my eyes locked on the floor. I look up and into his deep brown eyes that are breaking me apart inside, drop my hand away from Randy, and then bolt to my locker room and feel a few tears escape and fall down the sides of my cheek, before I hear a knock on my door. I sigh as I wipe away the tears from my eyes and go to answer it, figuring that it was either Steph, Randall, or Hunter.

I open the door, and take in a deep breath of air as I see Joe standing there, wearing my shirt, with a red velvet box in his hand. He handed me the box which, when I looked inside, had the necklace that he would always wear to bed. He claimed that it kept the bad dreams away and that it brought him luck in his sleep.

"Colby, I've been acting like a douche bag. I'm just hurt, and since you gave me something that is important to you,  I figured that I would give you something that is important to me. So, I brought you my shark tooth." He said with a slight smile playing across his lips. "Plus, I came to wish you good luck in your match tonight. You're going to need it." He chuckled, giving me a slight pat on the shoulder blade before starting to walk off.

"Wait! Joe..." I called after him, making his 6'3" frame look back at me.

"Yeah, Colby?" He called back.

"Please, stay." I begged, I didn't want him to walk out on me again. I couldn't handle another three weeks without him.  It was brutal the past couple of weeks, I wouldn't be able to handle it for another couple of weeks, especially not when I have such strong feelings for him.

"I would, but I have to go get dressed, and get ready for the Rumble. I'll talk to you later, okay?" He asked as he played with the piece of black hair that was hanging in front of his face.

"Okay... promise?" I asked, still terrified to watch as he walked away.

"I promise, Colby. I can't stay mad at you for long." He called over his shoulder as he started walking away again.

"Good luck, Joe." I said as I sat down on the couch that was in my locker room, and took the metal piece of jewelry out of the box, placing it around my neck. Maybe, if it brought Roman good luck, then it would also bring me good luck. I then took off my Buy Out shirt, replacing it with my black strapped vest, and threw on my black tight wrestling pants and laid my head to rest on the couch. I felt worn out and exhausted, and as if I just needed a peaceful nap for once.

Images of Joe kept dancing through my head and before I knew it, I was getting angry, and then happy, back to angry, and then my body finally decided to just stay sexually frustrated. It had been so long since I had my frustration removed with something else besides my hand. Randy is supposed to be my boyfriend on and off screen because of Stephanie and Hunter, but even he won't lay me, because the first time we tried stuff, I was screaming Joe's name instead of his, so things just kind of got weird so we haven't done anything since then and my body keeps feeling as if it's being restricted. I closed my eyes and did what I usually did when I didn't feel like using my hand, I started imagining things that would turn me off.

I heard my name being announced over the loud speaker and head out to get my microphone checked, and my body patted down before the match between Cena, Lesner, and myself. Then, we all make our way out to the ring and wait for the match to start. The fans were doing their usual chants of "Let's go, Cena! Cena, sucks!" along with giving Lesner and I, a few boos, and before we knew it, the bell was ringing for the match to start. I threw my vest off making sure to tuck the necklace Joe had given me safely into it's pocket. My hair was still dripping wet from the water that Hunter poured on my head to "cool off" before my match.

As the match continued, there had been multiple moves that were risky and made the match have a more dangerous quality to it. My shoulder blade and knee had taken a lot of damage and I could see the red welt forming on my shoulder from all of the beatings I had recieved at the hands of Brock. It felt like I had dislocated it, and I knew that I was going to pop it back into place if I was going to have any chance of using it in the fight. The superplexes were the worst as far as pain went. I would land hard on my shoulder every time one of them would slam me to the mat. Not to mention the F5 that had me laid out in the middle of the ring.

However, that didn't stop me from elbow dropping Lesner through the table, causing my entire body to ache and detest the pain that was corsping through it. I stood up and continued the fight in the ring with Cena considering that Lesner was out like a light outside of the ring, and again I got suplexed. Nothing I did was working though and it frustrated me as I ran my gloved hands through my hair, and laid on my back in the middle of the ring before fighting again and getting J and J security to help me triple powerbomb John Cena like I used to do with The Sheild. Even that didn't work, however and the frustration sunk in more. I decided that I would use my Money In The Bank briefcase against John and that didn't work either. He just fought against it and Attitude Adjusted me onto the mat, but I wasn't going to give up. I couldn't give up,  not if I wanted to be a champion.

Lesner German suplexed me to the mat multiple times, so I bashed my briefcase against his head and that didn't have an effect on him as he F5ed me, and pinned me for the championship regain. It was slightly annoying that I was on a losing streak and I couldn't seem to shake it, but I still had won Money in the Bank, so I still had the chance to be the ultimate opportunist and cash it in to become champion, and hopefully that would do it.

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