Chapter 9

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-Roman's Point of View-

After Seth's match, I watched as he walked into the back looking sore and discombobulated. I ran up to him and he winced as I pulled him into my arms. I could tell that he was probably in the worst pain of his entire life. Triple Threat matches were brutal, and he wasn't faring well with the pain that was in his shoulders, and his back judging by the way he limped and held his hand to the bottom of it. I knew that my cousin Rock was here and I probably should be hanging out with him and getting as much information as I could about the upcoming Royal Rumble match and how I could win it, but I couldn't resist wondering off. I grabbed a bag of ice from the freezer and baby oil from the health kit that was open for superstars, and then headed for Seth's locker room, allowing myself to walk in without knocking on the door.

I saw him changing into his going home gear, and turned my back as I wanted him to feel like if he needed privacy that I would give it to him,  but when he cleared his throat I knew that I could look back around and finally take care of him like I wanted to. I rubbed my hands under his shirt causing a slight groan to escape his lips as I pulled the shirt up and over him before rubbing his shoulder causing him to wince at first, but then relax into my touch.

"That feels so good Roman, please, don't stop." He begged as he leaned back against my body and I wrapped my legs around him in a loving way. I poured the baby oil into my hands as I rubbed more into the sensitive skin that was starting to swell. I was going to make him feel better until my music hit if that's what it would take to get him to spend the night being my little spoon again.

"Don't worry babe, I won't. Not until I have to get into the gorilla position for my entrance into the Rumble." I promised as I continued to rub at sensitive skin until I had him asleep under my touch. I finally got off of him, wrapped the ice pack into the towel and then placed it onto his shoulders, just before my name was being called over the P.A. system to "please report to the gorilla position and wait for your theme" by gorilla position I knew that they meant where I usually entered through the crowd so I started my long walk to the crowd entry way and got there as the numbers for my entrance started to tick down. 5...4...3...2... Showtime! I thought to myself as my music hit and I entered through the crowd to join Cody, Dustin, Rusev, and Bray Wyatt in the ring. I was automatically beat down by Dustin and Cody, until I powered out and eliminated both of them then started my journey of getting rid of Bray and Rusev. I heard the bell ringing for entry number 20 and found Big E entering the ring to help me with my task. Although it was starting to prove itself as extremely difficult.

Then came number 21, Mizdow who fought it out with Miz on the apron before Miz rudely threw himself into the ring instead of Mizdow. Miz was quickly thrown out and replaced by the eager Mizdow who was also quickly eliminated. I was enjoying their fight in the ramp as I beat the hell out of Rusev.

Number 22, Jack Swagger also one who was willing to help get rid of the two animals in the middle of the ring. In the meantime, Big E had started to come after me. I guess this match really was every man for themselves.

Number 23, Ryback came into the ring immediately going after every single man that was in the arena, including giving me a sharp elbow to the side of my face, which hurt like hell for a while, but I knew that I had to keep my focus.

Number 24, Kane great now a member of The Authority that I could beat the shit out of for seperating me from Colby. Although, with Rusev constantly coming after me as well as Bray, I had no way of acting on my pleasures.

Number 25, my lunatic fringe Dean was now in this match. He was so crazy but I guess that was why everybody loved him so much. It was because of his crazy resourcefulness that he had lead The Shield. Now,  he had no reason to hide his true personality both inside and outside of the ring. It hadn't been a shock when he revealed who he was in a relationship with, because only someone like him would have such a death wish to date "The Beast Incarnate" Brock Lesner. It was a relationship that no one saw coming, and seeing Brock with Dean's marks of ownership had came as a surprise but no one was stupid enough to say anything. Everybody knew how unstable both of them are. The numbers must have jumbled in my head while I was fighting with Rusev because the next thing I knew we were already on number 28.

Number 28 was none other then Antonio Cesaro. He went after Kane and then slowly started going after everybody else. It was hard to believe that I had already been in this match for 15 minutes, but it was true.

Number 29, Big Show. Another person to release my frustrations on. Everybody went after him and he pushed everybody back, before he power bombed me to the mat. Ryback was gone, and then they started dropping like flies at the hands of the Show and Kane.

Number 30, Dolph Ziggler entered the match and I knew that he wanted just as bad as I did to go after Team Authority members. Which he proved to be true as he eliminated Barrett, but then got swung like a rag doll by Cesaro. While they both fought on the outside of the ring. Dolph eliminating Cesaro, and then flying from the top rope right into a KO punch. I had to remind myself that I shouldn't be focused on what was going on around me but what was going on near me. It was now Dean and I vs. Big Show and Kane, and I really didn't want to be the one to eliminate my Sheild brother but knew it would be a last chance effort. We double teamed against Show but Kane pulled me off as Show chokeslammed Ambrose to the mat, and that left me alone with the two members of the Authority and a very discombobulated Dean.

My only hope was if they would turn on each other, or if I could fake my own elimination to force them to turn against each other. Luckily my dream came true and they turned on each other while I laid on the side of the ring waiting for the opportunity to push them both over the top rope. My lip was bloodied as the two Authority members went back on the attack trying to make me pay for what I had done apparently until Rock came and saved my sorry ass. There was a reason why he was called the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, and he was proving it tonight. As we both threw around superman looking moves, and I finally eliminated Rusev, knowing that I was going to Wrestlemania to be the main event, as I shared a celebratory hug with Rock.

Hunter and Stephanie entered the arena, not looking too pleased as Rock held up my hand in victory and I pointed to the Wrestlemania sign knowing that was the big prize I just won. Although, the victory wasn't too sweet because as soon as I was done celebrating my victory out in the ring, and returned back to Seth. He reminded me of the busted lip that I had recieved during the match as he refused to kiss me until I went to see a medic to get it checked out.  After they handed me a pack of ice to keep on my lip, I walked with Seth out to my car because Randy had left him,  and we drove back to the hotel where I rubbed his back and shoulder blades until we both feel asleep.

The next day was a bit of a haze as we struggled to get everything packed up and loaded onto the tour jet that only a select few would be traveling in considering the messed up weather and cancelation of our show in Connecticut. We would just be doing a few interviews,  and I was happy to know that Jon, Colby, and I were within those select few as we packed only the essentials for our interviews later tonight. I made sure to pack concealer because I was going to mark Seth as mine whether he wanted it or not, and my lube, just in case of emergancy. Then, we all took seats on the jet and waited for it to take off. Production would get the rest of our stuff and bring it to us that Thursday night for Smackdown.

I took a seat on the jet, far away fron Seth because Hunter and Steph were accompaning us to Connecticut, but as soon as we got there, I knew that I would once again get to have my arms wrapped around Seth, I had given my spot rooming with Dean up to Brock so that Seth and I could room together, and so that maybe Dean could take some of his frustrations out with his sub.

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