Chapter 11

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-Roman's Point of View-

I saw Seth's muscled frame coming around the corner in search for me as I stood up and walked over to him. I reached my hand out and stroked his cheek lovingly. "Good boy. You did a great job out there." I said with a playful smack to his bubble butt, before kissing his cheek and walking away.

"Wait, Joe!" He called after me, and I spun around to see what my prince needed. Well, he needed collared but, that was beside the point.

"Yes my prince?" I called back as he ran up to kiss my cheek before letting me go.

"Good luck out there, Mikeal's on the prowl." He said with a slight chuckle that lit up his already stunning face while I walked out and got mic'ed. The camera man following me to where Bryon was sitting. Apparently, he didn't have a problem with the relationship that was brewing behind closed doors because he didn't say a word about it as Bryon opened up the interview.

"Congratulations on winning the Royal Rumble match, and securing your place in the main event at Wrestlemania." Bryon opened up stiffly. He looked as though if I poked him with a stick he would fall to pieces. Was my demenor really that scary? I found myself wondering.

"I appreciate it Bryon, last night was incredible, it really was." I answered even though I wasn't quite sure if it was because of Seth or because of the Royal Rumble that I was in such a good mood.

"There are some that feel as though, you are not yet ready to main event Wrestlemania, espically against Brock Lesner." He said as I nodded my head.

"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion. The way I look at it is that I've never claimed to be the most experienced man in the locker room. I've always been able to react though. I've always been able to handle and bend. That's the way I learned how to swim. I'm down at the Pensacola  swimming pool, scaling the wall scared to death to swim, and he takes me by the hair and throw me into the pool." I say talking about my dad. "And do you know what I did? I scratched and clawed and.." I stopped to make swimming motions "and finally I was up gasping for air, and do you want to know what happened? I learned how to swim. That's how my wrestling career has been. I'm finally in the deep end, swimming with the sharks. You have to get somewhere to do that." I explained.

As the interview went on, I found myself getting lost in the conversation as I talked about all of the family that I had here in the WWE, and about how the crowd reacted to me at the Royal Rumble, and about how I learned at a very young age that life isn't fair. Just as long as I can get into the ring then I'm happy at heart. Then, got we got onto the topic about how many thought that I was hand picked by the WWE, but regardless of what happened I had to claw and put on a great performance every single night. I was fed by the WWE because I had so many family members inside of WWE, and how excited I was to meet Brock Lesner for the "first time". We both knew that it wasn't really the first time but I had to play it off for the camera as I got up from my spot and headed back to hang out with my Colby.

After Bryan's interview,  the WWE crew ushered me back into the interview room, this time to see Brock Lesner face to face with Mikeal watching us closely. We both shook his hand, and my second interview of the night was on its way, with Paul Haymen shaking my hand and congratulating me on my victory. He told me how much he respected me, and I was kind of glad. But then he took the reigns on the interviewer side. He started throwing up names from my family with such high respect, and I was starting to wonder what this was all about. But he just told me that he was proud and respected me.

"Here's a part of your family that is not told from generation to generation because in 2002, The Rock ruled the rooster around here. Just like Brock is now, he was the reigning World Heavyweight Champion of the world. Known all across the world as one tough guy, and everybody's fantasy was that was going to last forever until empathy ran against reality, and the new guy. Just like you're the new guy, and the next big thing, just like I think you're the next big thing. In a rookie by the name of Brock Lesner squared off against The Rock. And when that rookie squared off against The Rock, Brock took that title at freewill, and defeated The Rock. Now surely you remember the epic rematch on pay per view, you don't because Rock never asked for a rematch because one match with Brock Lesner was all The Rock could handle. And that's  the one thing that I don't get is why The Rock doesn't tell you what you're up against at Wrestlemania. Why a family member, cousin and uncle, with all due respect. Your family doesn't tell you who you're fighting or what you're fighting. I get it, you're the one to beat the one in 21-1. My question Sir, Roman with all due respect is how are you going to handle disappointing your family when you lose to Brock Lesner, because you can't defeat Brock Lesner? Not today, and certainly not at Wrestlemania, how are you going to handle that disappointment? Lose in the main event at Wrestlemania." Paul Haymen rattled on.

"With all due respect, I'll answer that to Brock Lesner." I said as I turned my chair so that I was facing Brock and cleared my throat. "I know who you are, I know what you are, and I know exactly how hard to handle I am. I don't think you do, I'm going to beat you at Wrestlemania, and take that title. You know it, I know it, and if I can't. I'm going to take a piece of you with me, and I believe that." I said as we both got up as if we were about to fight but just shook hands instead.

"Unlike him, I don't respect you." Brock sneered groaning in a little bit of pain. I knew he was hurting from his ribcage being broken.

"But you will." I shot back so that he could sit down and relax his ribs. As soon as the cameras were off Brock sat back down groaning in a lot of pain as I went to get Jon for him.

"Jon, Brock is in a lot of pain. I think you should go help him." I explained as the lunatic fringe went to find his submissive, and I returned to Colby.

"I wasn't kidding when I said that I needed laid. I haven't been able to release my frustrations in a long time." I whispered against his ear licking the shell of it, before we headed to my car for the long ride back to the hotel, where I would finally get my release.

A:N// Do you guys want to see a chapter written in either Dean's or Brock's Point fo View? Or should I just stick to Roman and Seth?

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