Chapter 10

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-Seth's Point of View-

After finally arriving in Connecticut after the 5 hour plane ride, I was feeling tired and jet lagged. I hadn't slept very well since I stopped having the ability to sleep with Joe. I was so miserable in the ring because of the lack of sleep that it was starting to effect my preformance. Hunter would constantly yell at me after my matches, to the point that I was slowly starting to feel like he was my dad. I stepped out of the jet and felt the cold air hitting my sore muscles, causing me to shiver against the wind. I was wearing Joe's black hoodie that he had given me to cuddle with on the jet ride here, it was comforting but not nearly enough to keep me warm in this blizzardy weather. Randy wasn't around, so I had no one to cuddle with in public to keep me warm.

There was only 7 people who had the balls to come here and face this blizzardy weather to put on the show full of interviews because the weather was so miserable that it had ordered a city shutdown, meaning that the actual show was going to be postponed until a later date. Those seven people just happened to be Joe, Layfield, Mikeal, Booker, Brock, Moxley, and myself. Joe had promised me a cuddle session once we got back to the hotel because that was the only way that we could have a relationship, if it occured behind closed doors and the media never found out about it. If the doors were opened I was supposed to be with Randy.

Dean had opted to room with Brock until the show started so that he could give Joe and myself some privacy to do whatever we wanted to do for the first time in about 3 weeks. I guess that he could sense that I cared deeply about Joe, so much so that he would ignore the fued that still existed between himself and I. I just wanted to chill out with Joe and let his body heat be the only thing that kept me warm, and as we loaded our things into the tour bus, I knew that would happen soon.

After the half hour spent driving to the hotel and getting our bags into our room, Joe finally had his arms wrapped around me as I laid my head on his chest. He was always going to be my big spoon, and I'd always be his little spoon. He was currently trailing kisses up my neck, and I shivered with the pleasure that he was causing me.

"I've missed you." He whispered against the sensitive skin on my neck, nipping behind my ear gently. I moaned in response as the cold flush went through my veins.

"I've missed you too, but you know as much as I do, that we can't have sex. At least not right now." I persisted as I turned around so that I could wrap my arms around his bare chest, and kiss his lips gently.

"Why the hell not?" He questioned in a slightly annoyed voice. I could tell that his sexual frustration had been building up for a long time as he tensed his arms around my waist, slightly playing with one of my thighs.

"I can't be sore for that interview tonight with the WWE executive crew. It would be pretty hard to hide all of the marks that I'm sure that you'd make on me, knowing your dominant persona. Plus, it would be really embarrassing to explain why I'd be walking around like a penguin. We'll have some fun after the show. I pwomise." I explained, saying the last part in a childish voice with a slight pout.

"You could always blame the marks on love sessions with Randy, and it would be cute to see you walking around like a penguin because I penetrated you too hard." Joe chuckled with his deep brown eyes sparkling with lust in the hotel room lighting.

"I said no, Joe." I said letting my dominant side show a bit. This was a thing that I never did around Joe. I never showed dominance because with him, I would love to be dominated.

"Fine... we'll play after the show though?" He asked, voice low and seductive as he nipped down hard and sucked on my sweet spot, no doubt leaving a hickey, and causing me to moan.

"Fucker, and yes." I moaned, not wanting to show up at the interview with marks all over my slightly tanned frame.

"I might be a fucker, but I'm your fucker." Joe said as his voice laced in seduction and then he slapped a hard hand across my ass causing me to let out a moan before I scolded my brain, reminding it that this was not the time to get laid. We only had 2 more hours until we were expected to be at Raw, and considering the road conditions it would take us about 45 minutes to drive the 20 minute long drive, and that didn't nearly give us enough time to cover up the marks that rough sex would leave on us, so Joe would have to suck it up and deal with it until we got home from our interviews.

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