Chapter 6

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-Roman's Point of View-

When I woke up the next morning, I decided to go see what Seth was up to. I had missed being in his warm arms last night, even though I was as annoyed as I was. He made the bad dreams go away, and dreaming of his face made it feel like a punch to my heart. He was the one who helped me get over my wife leaving me a couple of years ago. He helped me get rid of all of my inner demons when we were in The Shield together. Now, it just feels like he wants nothing to do with me because of Stephanie and Hunter. I knocked on his hotel room door and after a while he opened it with dripping wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh sorry, did I come at a wrong time?" I asked while studying his body with adoring eyes. I have missed seeing his body when it was like this.

"Nah, I just got out of the shower. I'll just go put some clothes on." He explained as he pulled on a black t- shirt and skinny jeans. "What can I do for you?" He teased following my gaze that had been fixed on a certain area of his body for the last couple of minutes.

"Why did you just blow me off yesterday? I texted you but you wouldn't answer your phone." I said slightly annoyed remembering how yesterday had went down. I had gaven him a thing to remember my presence by, and he totally just sent me back to go hang out with the Lunatic Fringe. I actually felt bad for Jonathan because I knew that as long as this storyline went on that he and Colby would probably never be best buds ever again. We were the ones that had convinced Colby to go along with the plan, but if we would have known that it would seperate us forever then we never would have told him to do it.

"I had to go to training, Joe. If I don't look as good as I can in the ring then Stephanie and Hunter will get pissed." He explained running his hands through his hair and looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry." He said while looking down.

"It's fine, Colby. I just missed you.  That's all." I said while placing my thumb under his chin and lifting up his face, forcing him to look at me while I gently pecked his lips and pulled away.

"Joe..."  He started and then took in a deep sigh before deciding not to finish the sentence.

"Yeah Colby?" I asked genuinely curious about what was going on in his mind.

"What are we?" He asked while studying my body.

"How about we just stay friends with benefits until we can figure out a way to date without Steph and Hunter getting angry." I suggested as I picked him up and carried him to the bed and crawled in beside him.

"Okay." He sheepishly said while curling up against my body and drapping an arm around me. "I'm fine with that as long as it means that you won't leave my side." He said while pecking my cheek as I rubbed gentle circles on his back before I heard him hiss.

"What's wrong with your back?" I asked gently.

"Nothing." He said a little too quickly for me to believe.

"Shirt off, now." I basically demanded.

"But... Roooooooommmmmmaaaaaaaannnnn." He whined.

"My real name isn't Roman." I said as I placed my hands under his shirt and pulled up and over his head, then flipped him onto his stomach. He had a large purplish bruise on the top of his shoulder blade spreading to the middle of his spine. I kissed the bruise before I went and got a towel and a bag of ice. "Put this on your back." I demanded as I kissed his cheek and he placed the ice pack where I was assuming that it hurt the worst.

After a few moments, I decided to speak again. "Now are you willing to tell me what's wrong with your back?" I asked gently.

"I was messing around in the ring with Glen and he kind of choke slammed me rougher then he usually does to the mat." He explained while rolling his head to the side and groaning slightly.

"Kane, did this to you?" I asked as my temper started to flare. It would be different if somebody who wasn't in The Authority had injured him this bad, but knowing that the person who did it was also the person that got to see him more then I did, made me slightly angry.

"Calm down Joe." He said while rubbing my side.

"No,  he gets to see you soo much more then I do, and what does he do? He freaking injures you to the point where your back is all kinds of messed up.  So, my temper is spiked for a reason and you can not make me calm down." I ranted.

"He didn't mean it. He just got a little too out of control." He explained while rolling his head up so that our lips were just inches apart.

"That isn't a legit reason to hurt yo.." I started but was interrupted by a loving kiss. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me.  I loved the taste of his soft, delicious lips, and I couldn't get enough whenever he kissed me.

"Feel better now?" He asked as he interlaced our fingers and rested his head in my chest.

"Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that it wasn't right for him to bruise you like that." I protested.

"He didn't mean to, but it's cute when you get overprotective." He commented, making me blush.

"Did you by any chance manage to go to the grocery store yesterday?" I asked, really hoping that I had a possibility of staying with him the whole day. Hell, I would chose not to eat if it meant that I could just stay with him wrapped in my arms for a day.

"Well, as a matter of fact, I did." He teased with a smile.

"Did you bring anything back that might satisfy my appetite?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Well, you know I have Mac & Cheese, fish sticks, chicken tenders, and french fries." He said. It shouldn't have surprised me considering how much of a little kids that he is. He loved to eat things that children would eat. He would make a great dad, because he's childish at heart but also a smee bit overprotective which were both qualities that I adored in him.

"You're so childish." I commented while getting up and grabbing a pot to boil water in.  I turned on the tap water and filled the pan to just the right temperature before I placed the pan on the stove and turned it on.  I felt arms wrap around my waist and I rested back into Colby's body, watching for the water to come to a boil. After it did, I poured in the mac and cheese and waited for it to cook, before adding the cheese to it and handing a plate full to Colby and making myself a plate. I added salt and pepper to my plate and Colby made a disgusted face. I had forgotten how much he hated the taste of pepper.

"What? It's good, Mr. IHatePepper." I teased causing him to giggle.

"Will you stay the night with me again? Last night was soo lonely." He asked/ complained.

"Yeah, I will babe. But tomorrow, I have to go to the gym so that I can be prepared for my match on Friday." I explained, causing him to bite his lip playfully.

"Who are you fighting on Friday?" He questioned, making me slightly chuckle.

"I'm fighting you and Big Show, didn't you already know that?" I questioned as if he should have already known.

"They never said anything to me about it." He groaned as he buried his head into his hands.

"I'm taking that Stephanie and Hunter don't like to tell you who you're going to fight?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

"They usually do, this week they've been so secretive though." He said with a groan.

"Do you think that it has something to do with the fact that you're starting to hang out with me?" I asked, starting to feel bad.

"Don't feel bad, I'm the one who begged to come hang out with you,  so I'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with it." He said with a slight amount of attitude, but it was a good amount of attitude, it matched his personality.

So, for the rest of the day we relaxed in each other's arms, ate, and played a few board games with each other. I had 8 fucking kids in The Game of Life, maybe the game is trying to tell me something. Then, we fell asleep with each other at about 9.

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