Chapter 7

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-Roman's Point of View-

I woke up and rolled out of Colby's arms and walked towards my hotel room to grab my gray athletic shorts and a black tank top. I then packed my gym bags with bottles of water, band-aids, my Ipod with a pair of earbuds, hair ties, deodorant, a brush, and extra clothes. It might seem like a bit too much but I like looking and smelling nice at all times, plus I'm accident prone so band aids tend to be used alot. I then placed my gym bag in my car, and got into the driver's seat turning on my radio to a random rock station that was playing Metallica. They were my favorite band so I had no room to complain.

After a few minutes I arrived at a 24 hour fitness gym and paid for a day of working out before I headed to the locker room and placing my bag down, and heading for the weight room. I added on two 10 pound weights to each side of the bench press that was already 50 pound so, it made each side 60 pounds. It was usually just part of my warm ups but for now I was feeling lazy so I laid down on the bench and started lifting until I felt it straining my arm muscles. I then headed over to the treadmill and set it up as far as it could go.

After a few minutes however, I saw the black and blonde haired boy that I loved with my heart walking in with the punk that had his hand intertwined with my baby's and I could feel the jealousy building up inside of me. When, Randal pulled him in a placed a soft kiss to his lips that's when I hit my limit and turned the treadmill off before walking into the locker room and changing back into my normal clothes and putting my long black hair into a ponytail before grabbing my bag and walking out the door, purposely bumping Colby's shoulder as I walked out. I was beyond pissed and I knew that I was going to snap sooner or later. I knew that we were just friends with benefits, but I had legitimate feelings for Colby that I couldn't ignore anymore. He had stolen my heart and I couldn't ignore the feeling that I was in love with him, I have been in love with him since we started wrestling together, even before the WWE.

I placed my bag in the backseat and smashed my head against the steering wheel as I heard the loud beeping sound of my car. I just groaned, and kept my head down until I heard a knock on my window. I looked up for a second before looking straight back down.

"Go away, Colby! Go fuck your other guys!" I yelled as I buried my head back into my arms and tried to ignore the annoying pain that my heart was in.

"Just roll down your damn window, Joe." He snapped back, as I rolled down my window and then rolled it right back up.

"There, I rolled down the damn window!" I snapped as I laid my head back down onto the steering wheel before I felt a gust of wind hit my body amd an arm pushing me back as a set of legs wrapped around my waist. Damn, I had forgotten to lock the door.

"Look at me, Joe." He said speaking softly. I didn't want to look at him because I knew that I could feel tears running down my face as I bit my lip, and shook my head 'no'. "Look at me or I'll force you to look at me." He growled.

"No, Colby. Why don't you go have Randy blow you? I mean that's what you do with every guy that you have a feeling likes you, right? You just let them give you your heart before you just walk out on them and find a new one, right?" I asked feeling bitter about this feeling that I had in the pit of my stomach. It felt as if something was tearing my heart apart and making me stop loving the person that was my true love. I felt his gloved hand run under my chin before he lifted my head and pecked my lips.

"It was Stephanie's idea to force me to start dating Randal. I love you with all of my heart, and there's nobody who can change that, but I have to comply with orders, babe. I'll lose my job and lose seeing you if I don't follow them, and I can't risk that." He said with tears running down his cheeks. "Now, please love me? Please stop being mad at me?" He asked while sobbing into my chest.

I rubbed his back and kissed his forehead until he calmed down. "It just hurt, Colby. I'm a jealous person, and I can't stand seeing you with your lips pressed against Randy's, when I know that it should be me that's kissing you. I know that it's me that should be having my hand interlocked with yours. It just hurts." I explained.

"I know, I just want this whole storyline where we hate each other to be over with already. I want us to be able to actually date without everybody having something to say about it. I want us to go back to old Colby and Joe that could fuck with each other. I miss the old Rolleigns moment when we would mess with each other's hair and kiss each other's cheek, without getting hate from everybody. I just want to go home with you and lay in your arms and fall asleep with you, but I can't Joe, and it drives me insane." He explained with tears in his eyes as I wiped them away with my thumb and kisses his nose.

"I know, babe. I just want you to be happy, and I understand that you can't be with me currently. Give it time though, I'll be in your hotel room waiting for you when you get back. I'll spend the night with you in your hotel room tonight, would that make you happy?" I questioned.

"It would make me the happiest man on the planet, but, I can't do that currently." He said while biting his lip.

"Why the hell not?" I growled.

"Well, Stephanie wants Randy and I to share a room and since there's only one bed. It's just not a possibility." He explained making me punch the steering wheel, causing him to jump. "Don't be mad at me, please?" He said with a slight pout.

"You're going to be sleeping with the guy that you just kissed, and you expect me to just be fine and dandy about the whole thing? No, Colby. Just please get out of my car." I growled making him get off of my lap with tears in his eyes, and walk back into the gym. I growled as I started speeding down the highway to get to the hotel, luckily I didn't harm anybody. I walked into my own room and buried my face into my pillow, reconizing a scent that I wished I would be able to get out of my head.

"Colby stopped by today. He looked upset and gave me a shirt of his to give to you. He said to tell you sorry, but when I asked for what, he just kind of ignored the question and walked out. I just placed the shirt onto your pillow. I hope you don't mind." Jon explained as I buried my head into the shirt taking in Colby's scent, I started wondering how much time was going to pass before I could sleep with him again, and I felt like shit for exploding on him, he was already so fragile, it probably felt like another slap in the face.

I decided that it was finally time to explain to Jonathan what was going on between Colby and I, and after I finished, he wrapped me into his arms and allowed me to cry for as long as I wanted.

"Well, I'm not even remotely close to what Colby is, but you can cuddle with me to sleep tonight, if it will make you feel any better." He said with a smile as I leaned my head onto his chest and closed my eyes falling asleep in his arms. I actually slept kind of peacefully that night, but I dreamed of Rollins which made my head spin the next day.

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