Chapter 12

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A:N: Stu: Wade Barret, Nicholas: Dolph Ziggler, Joseph: Erick Rowan, Ryan: Ryback, and I'm sooooo sorry for not updating this for more than a year. I really just wasn't up for working on my stories so I sort of procrastinated like crazy, but if you're still here I thank you!!! I really love you guys!!

-Roman's Point of View-

I stood at the top of the staircase as I listened to Hunter go on and on about how there was a controversy at the Royal Rumble, holding back my laughter. There was no controversy besides the fact that I penetrated Colby so hard the next day that he couldn't walk. That's when he started talking about the NFL having problems with their balls, and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. I mean, who wouldn't? "We at the WWE don't have a problem with our balls." He continued, he was damn right we didn't. We were all cocky about it too. Then, he played the scene at the Rumble that was causing controversy and I knew it was my time to enter as my theme hit, and I walked through the crowd all the way to the ring.

"There was no controversy, I won which means that I'm going to Wrestlemania." I stated while standing tall.

"Let's see if you win this one." Hunter said while rolling out of the ring, as Paul's theme hit and he walked out to the ring to start our match. Halfway through it however, I hurt my knee and couldn't walk on it, but I won the match so, I couldn't really complain much. As much pain as my knee was in, I still found a way to celebrate with the fans, until I walked backstage to Colby.

"You okay babe?" He asked with Ryan, Nicholas, and Joseph all staring at us, like we were the freaks of nature since we were gay.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little tender." I said with a smile, as I turned to the other three boys. "And come on we all know that about half of the locker room is one tight grabbing superplex away from being gay. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that you already had your gay affair Ryan. You know when you were dating Stu, your hunky English man." I teased knowing that they would all flush pink in the face, and it worked. Then, I gave a good luck kiss to Colby as I walked back to the locker room.

As I watched Seth's stupidity of calling out anybody in the locker room, and tormenting that no one would have the balls to come fight him, I had to remind myself that Seth and Colby were two very different people. Seth is the cocky show off that comes out inside of the ring, and Colby is the sweetheart that comes out on the nights we spend alone in the hotel room, or out in public. I still felt myself cringing as Seth's body almost got torn to pieces by Ryback, Dolph, and Erick. Yup, Colby would definitely need a massage after all of the hard blows that he had just received, and I would be willing to help him with that.

After the segment ended, he finally returned back to the locker room, groaning in a little bit of pain. J&J Security were the ones who received most of the damage, but Colby's body was so sensitive to the touch lately, that I been wondering how he can wrestle as well as he does. His body bruises easily because of something that he went through as a child that he's still fighting, that's all I know it's the only thing that he will ever say about the nasty bruises that form on his tender skin sometimes, and it just makes me want to baby him even more, and treat him like my prince.

"Son of a bitch, do you think they could have gone at least a little bit lighter?" He whined, laying back on the couch and closing his eyes. I didn't have much left to do here tonight, I would probably ask Hunter if Colby and I could have the day away from PRs, and visiting the hospitals tomorrow. I knew that Seth gets a bit hyperkinetic when he's in pain, and everything is going wrong in his world. That was one thing that I knew for a fact. You tend to get to realize how a person reacts to the littlest of things when you spend at least 2 years being constantly at their side.

I mean, Colby and I had started wrestling together way before the WWE had said that we would be tag mates. We basically grew up together inside of the ring, whenever he would learn a new move he would be so excited to show me how he would work it into his routines that he practiced countless amounts of times. He was quite a perfectionist when we started off, still is actually, but yeah I know this kid inside and out. I think that's what makes me love him the most is that I remember the innocence that used to be in his eyes, and the way his lips would curl as his eyes twinkled whenever he learned something new. This was another thing that made Colby and Seth two different people. Seth was arrogant, and ready to push other people in front of the bus just in order to get what he wanted. Colby was still the same innocent teenager he was when he first started, terrified of making people mad but having great humor about life.

So, why did it worry me so much to watch Colby protray a character that was completely against his nature?

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