Chapter 1

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A//N: Okay, just in case you guys get confused with wrestling names vs. Real names like I sometimes do, Paul = Big Show, Jonathan = Dean Ambrose, Colby = Seth Rollins

-Roman's Point of View-

I was laying in my locker room with an ice pack on my stomach. I looked at the nasty scar that was forming on my abdominal. The pain was unbelievable, Paul knew that I had to have surgury on my stomach a few months ago to push a hernia back into the inner part of my admoninal, but he just didn't care. He has pushed an announcement table on top of my stomach, and he keeps targeting it. I just wanted someone besides Jonathan to care about me, not that Jon was annoying or anything. It's just that lately I have been feeling so lonely and unloved.

I heard a faint knocking sound on my door, and thinking that it was Jonathan, I let out a faint "Come in" as I groaned because the pain in my stomach kept spreading. This ice was not helping anything but I had to wait until I got back to the hotel room, so the ice was going to have to work. I let a few tears roll down my cheeks because of the pain but kept my eyes closed.

"Why are you crying?" The sympathetic voice, that did not belong to Jonathan, asked and I snapped my eyes open. What the hell is he doing in my locker room after he betrayed us? I thought as I looked into the deep brown eyes of the brown and blonde haired man that stood in front of me. What the hell is Colby Lopez doing in my locker room? He hasn't even spoken to me in the past five months.

"I'm in pain, Seth. Why do you care? I mean your 'best friend' is the one who did this to me. You expect to not talk to me for five months and then come into my locker room and expect everything to be all fun and dandy, well guess what pretty boy, you have another thing coming." I snapped bitterly as I hissed in pain. It hurt so bad that I couldn't help it. I felt his gloved hand slowly stroke the skin that I had there and trace over the scar, at first it stung like hell but then it started turning into a pleasureable and relaxing feeling. His touch had always had a soothing effect on me and I didn't know why.

"I care because we went from being so close that we could have been brothers, into being another pair of strangers that occasionally saw each other in the locker room. You know that I didn't have a choice in stopping the talk with you. I didn't want to, they forced me too. This is why I didn't want to be the main component in this storyline anyways. This is why it is breaking me apart every night that I can't talk to you." Colby said and I slowly opened my tear stained eyes and looked into his eyes that looked like they were holding back the broken boy that had so desperately wanted to come out. He was always one to deny crying in front of people, he didn't like doing it. He thought that it made him appear weak and broken. Although he could never look weak to me. He didn't have to say the names for me to know who he meant by they. He meant the authority, or as I know them as Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. I hated them because they were causing Colby to go through hell.

"Well then why are you in my locker room if your not supposed to be talking to me?" I questioned as his gloved hand continued to rub relaxing circles into my stomach.

"I miss you, Roman. So, I fought the bitch until she agreed to let me come see you." Colby said with a slight smile. He kissed my scar making me giggle slightly, my stomach was just a very sensitive spot on my body, so it tickled. "If I didn't know that your stomach was so sensitive then I would be tickling you so much that you would be squeaking and begging for me to stop." Colby teased as he interlaced his fingers into mine. Wait, what is going on here? He just kissed my scar and now he's holding my hand? After 5 months of not talking? I'm so confused.

"Well, I appreciate you not taking advantage of my damaged stomach like everybody else seems to be doing. So, thank you." I said with a slight smile, I wasn't going to complain about this love that I was receiving because to be honest I was liking it. I didn't want to push away the possible only chance that I would get of feeling loved.

"Want to chill out in my hotel room later? It's getting lonely just being by myself. They wouldn't let me sleep with you and Jon like I used to, and I've just been feeling so alone. Will you maybe stay the night?" He asked batting his eyelashes slightly as I guessed that he was trying to intice me to hang out with him over night. I knew what he meant, I knew what it was like to spend long sleepless nights without him. I knew what it was like to feel lonely, and I knew what it was like to spend these freezing cold nights alone, and lost in thought. Even though he smashed a chair against my back and then stopped talking to me, it felt nice to be getting him back into my life.

"Yeah, I'll come over tonight. Wanna watch wrestling with me?" I asked smiling slightly as he rolled his thumb over my scar that was starting to look batted and bruised. These were the moments that I missed. These moments combined with the hugs, the rustling of hair, and the holding of hands. Those were the moments I have so desperately needed to make myself feel better. These moments made the pain go away and I was loving it.

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