Chapter 3

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-Seth's Point of View-

I watched as my Somoan fell asleep in my lap, he looked so innocent when he was sleeping. I had missed him in all of the time that I was kept on a short chain by Stephanie and Hunter. I didn't want to get into a strongly worded argument the first night that I had a chance to see him again, but I also knew that it was inevitable. I knew that he would ask me about Jonathan, and I knew that when I was on my hands and knees begging Hunter and Stephanie if I could see my "brothers" again, that I had to make a choice between Joe and Jon. My choice would always be Joe, and it's because I actually had romantic feelings for him. Those romantic feelings would remain a secret though and I would have to keep my emotions under control.

It made me happy when Joe smiled as I traced my hand over the bruising and scarring that had covered his stomach. I felt bad for letting Big Show have his way, enabling him to target Joe's freshly operated on stomach. The only reason that I had left him and Jon was because they told me to except the opportunity to boost my career. At the time, they of course didn't know that it would eventually lead to the destruction of us as brothers outside of the ring too, they weren't thinking about themselves at all, they were thinking about which move would help me in the long run, and I was regretting listening to them. I have missed them so much, and I loved them both just in different ways. Jonathan was always my brother, and I knew that I loved Joe, too.

I allowed Joe to continue to sleep on my lap until I was called to go out to the ring by Stephanie. I had to play the bad guy role in the Dolph Ziggler match and come out and be the second person to attack him and pin him. After that was over, I walked back to Joe's locker room to check if he was still asleep or not. I heard the sound of the shower running and I knew that being sweaty was slowly starting to drive him insane. It always had, Jonathan and I used to complain about how long he would take. I took a seat on the couch and placed the golden brief case onto my lap as I leaned my head back so that it was laying against the back of the couch.

A few minutes later, Joe walked out wearing nothing but a towel. I guess that I had forgotten about how hot he was when he was wet, because I was suddenly glad that I had laid the briefcase on my lap. I knew that it would take me awhile to calm down, and I felt a slight burning sensation on my cheeks as my eyes studied his body. The towel was hung low and loosely on his hips, to the point where just one tug would make it fall.

"Oh, erm, sorry. I forgot that you would come back. I woke up and you weren't here, so I figured that it would be a good time to go take a shower and get all of the sweat off of me. It was driving me insane." Joe apologized as he flushed. I wasn't sure if he was blushing because of embarrassment, or something else.

"It's okay, I mean it's not like I haven't seen you like that before." I said with a slight sigh, as I remembered leaving and The Sheild becoming no longer. I missed them and the segments they had in the ring when they called me the poison of The Sheild, and Joe said that I had commited the most unforgivable sin, raced through my mind. It made me question whether or not I would ever truly be forgiven. I know that it seems like I'm on good terms with at least Joe now, but I know that after 5 months of agonizing silence that I was not going to be simply forgiven like this.

"Hey, Joe?" I asked after he had gotten dressed.

"Yeah Colby?" He asked back as he looked into my eyes.

"Do you think Jon will ever forgive me for doing this? Will you ever forgive me?" I asked with a choked sigh. I hated crying in front of people, but I couldn't handle my emotions when it came to those two. I had turned to cutting in order to get my emotions out. I didn't want to, but it felt as though that was the only thing that kept me calm.

"Colby, you know as well as I do that even when Jon hates you, he still loves you. As for me, it's going to take a lot more then one day for me to forgive everything that you have done to us. Jon and I will forgive you but it's going to take time." He said in his low toned voice that had the ability to make my heart break, just as much as it had the ability to mend it.

"I want The Shield to be back together. I regret ever betraying you guys. I just want my two best friends back." I said in a shaky voice, as Joe wrapped his arms around me letting me bury my head into his solid chest.

"We love you two tone, but you know that it's simply not possible. The Shield might never be put back together again, and I know you hate that thought but it's true, and I'm an honest person." He said while rubbing my back causing me to calm down.

"Are either of us needed the rest of the night?" I asked, just wanting to go back to the hotel and shower and then sleep.

"Nah, not that I know of unless Stephanie wants you to attend the whole John Cena celebration party." He replied as he continuously rubbed my back.

"She doesn't, I just want to go home and sleep." I said as I stood up and walked with Joe to my car. Once he got in, I turned on the radio to some old country station, knowing that he would probably change it. I started the long drive to the hotel and saw that Joe had slowly managed to fall asleep with his feet on my dashboard. I walked up the stairs and into the lobby once we got there and carried Joe to the elevator going up to my room and had a bellboy slide my key against the lock to get the door to open as I walked inside and placed Joe on the bed. I changed into my pajama pants and a Buy out sweatshirt before climbing in next to him and turning out the lights. I pulled my furry black blanket on top of us and then laid my head on the pillow before slowly drifting off into sleep.

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