What About Angels

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The next morning, I borrow Vera and her car again and she drives me to Lucas's house. It's close to the Fuller neighborhood which is sort of the middle class portion of the town.
His house looks...nice. Homey, warm, welcoming.

Vera told me a lot about him on our way here. Lucas Holt. 21. His sister Lara turned eight last May. They used to live here with their mother. The father used to be an addict of every drug imaginable. He completely flushed out their savings, forcing Lucas's mom to work overtime to support them. Even then he'd come home at random times high as a kite, and beat the shit out of his mom until she gave up all the money she had. This went on until he died 6 years back. He left behind a hoard of debts but things were somewhat ok. Then three years back, Lucas's mom passed away. Luckily, he was just a few months shy of 18 went it happened. Havoc managed to keep it down and he ended up with his sister's custody once he turned 18.
The guy worked hard since the very first day to take care of his sister. He joined Havoc himself so he could shielded her from the darkness of the underworld. He even managed to keep sending her to Fuller Elementary. They have no known relative. Or at least nobody to care enough to contact or help when Mrs. Holt died. So now Lara is an eight years old little girl who's all alone. She will end up in the foster system soon enough. But I can't let that happen. I made a promise. I intend to keep it.

We make our way to the door and I ring the bell. A furiously red haired guy opens the door. We could be siblings from how similar we look.

"Alex", Vera greets. He isn't looking at her though. He's looking at me, his intense stare trying to get inside my brain and dissect every thought, every single intension. And for once I let someone through.

I let him see the pain of having Lucas die in my arms. The absolute admiration for his dying wish. And my stony determination to keep my promise. No matter what it takes. I will fight the entire world for that little girl now. Doesn't matter that I've never seen her before. Doesn't matter she has no clue I even exist. Nothing matters anymore except the promise I made to the guy who made me feel alive after all these years.

Alex, shakes his head with a sad little smirk.
"Shouldn't have doubted the bastard's judgment", he states, voice thick with emotion. "C'mon in."

The inside is exactly what I expect it to be. Nothing extravagant but clean and warm and cheerful. It feels like home in here.

The passage ends in a door at the end, one to my right and the staircase to my left. Alex leads us through the door on the left into the dining and kitchen. Lara Holt is seated on a chair at the table, eating her way through a bowl of cereal and milk. She looks up when we enter, raven black bangs falling on her forehead, green eyes curious. When they fall on Vera, her entire face lights up.
"V!", she exclaims with in a sweet voice, teeth glimmering. Then she scrambles down from her chair and runs over to hug Vera's legs.

"Hey Princess", Vera greets softly squatting down to hug her properly.

"V, where is Lucas?", Lara asks looking up at her with sad eyes. "He always comes back to make me dinner. But he didn't come home last night. Then Alex cooked me pasta", she confesses with a small smile.
"I asked where Lucas is. He just said he'll tell me in the morning and then put me to sleep", she ends pouting her little lips.

We both turn to Alex, who has a stricken look on his face.
"I couldn't", he mumbles almost inaudibly. "Her brother is her entire world."

I sigh and turn to the little girl.
"Hello Lara", I say with a gentle smile.

"Hello", she says tentatively, looking a tiny bit scared. I fold my knees and sit down to get level with her.

"I'm Rachel", I say extending a hand to her.
She smiles at that, taking my hand in her small soft ones.
"I have a friend at school named Rachel.", Lara declares happily.

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