Not Going Under

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The Havoc Residence is pretty impressive.

I know, I know! I've been here twice before and never talked about it. That's because it wasn't relevant back then. But now that I'm living in it, thanks to Heather Blackbird, I might as well give you what they call "the grand tour".

First, let's talk about the origin of my current residence. It used to be a massive Victorian mansion owned by Victor Channing's grandmother. The lady left the place to her grandson in her will and when Victor finally got hold of it, it went through a massive renovation. So did the surrounding area.

It apparently used to be in the middle of nowhere, but now the Havoc Residence is surrounded by Havoc. Houses of crew members, a not crumbling version of the Haunted House, and Havoc's armary. There's a forest right behind the mansion with Havoc's graveyard on the other side of it. Myth says it's just a half-hour walf straight through the forest.

The lawns surrounding the house aren't well-kept or tended to. Grass and trees have grown over the years and Havoc didn't bother to cut them down when they renovated. So unkempt might be the right word for it after all.

The first thing that you notice when you get close to the Havoc Residence, are the 2 meter tall barbed wire fences all around the property. They have electricity running through them. There's a gate where you have to put in a password to go inside the property if it hasn't already been opened from the inside. I just keep thinking how easy it would be for some Shadows to attack this place. Too goddamn easy for my liking! But what can I say. My presence in their house is unwelcome enough without me pointing out lack of security.

Anyways, the inside of the house is gorgeous. The main entrance opens up to a seating area with a round table, a bunch of couches and some cabinets along the walls. Right across the hall, a double door leads to a private sitting area with couches along the left hand walls in an "L" shape and a large television on the right had wall, most definitely for the benefit of the children.

A door on the right leads to a washroom and another on the left to a storage space.

Then there is the kitchen; the counters on the right hand side, fully equipped and a dinning table on the left with ten chairs.

On the opposite wall, another door opens up into a square space with two stairs on the left and right leading to the upper floor. A huge glass window right opposite looks over the forest beyond the perimeter fence.

The stairs on the right lead up to the living quarter. The first door leads to Bernadette's room. The next one is Oscar's, then Callum and Hael's and finally the girl's bedroom. It's spacious and painted in soft shades of pink and yellow. A door opposite leads to a wide balcony. There are two sizable double beds at both ends of the room.

The right side belongs to Heather. She has a desk and cupboard, and the walls are covered in several band posters and new trend looks from magazines. I can't help but notice how similar her dressing sense is to Bernadette's.

The left side is for Kara and Ashley. It's pretty much identical except in this case the walls are covered in Kara's paintings and Ashley's dance posters.

I have no idea what the other rooms look like on the inside. I wouldn't even have gone to that floor if it weren't for Heather insisting I can't possibly have a house tour without actually visiting the whole house. Anyways, I escaped from there as fast as I could. Lara might be welcome in there but I am definitely not.

At the end of a corridor another set of stairs leads to the second floor.

The stairs on the right leads to a common area. It has three more rooms. The first one is a full of music instruments, art supplies and books. The second one is a dance studio. It has speakers and a wall to wall mirror. There are some rings in the celling too. It probably makes me stupid but I'm itching to be in there.

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