Freak Like Me

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Two days after our first meet, Havoc is back at Wesley's. So, I make my way there and buy me a grilled sandwich. The place is a disaster but the food couldn't be better. Then I make my way to their table. This time they've save a chair for me. So I go ahead, take a seat and bite into my sandwich.

"What's the price?"

"We have a task for you" Oscar says pushing a file across the table toward me.

I finish my sandwich and then open the file. Inside are pictures of two 19 year old boys. I don't have to look any further to know what I need to do.

"You want me to find out who killed your boys."

The tention at the table increase ten fold, making me sign.

"You're aware that I'm staying at Vera's aunt's house?" I ask meeting each of their eyes in turn.
"And I know for a fact that Vera has informed Bernadette, we're kind of friends?", I ask looking at the self proclaimed queen. She give me a heavy frown and a curt nod.
"So then why is it so startling that I'd know if two Havoc crews end up dead when I'm essential living with another crew member?"

"Point taken", Callum replies after a while with a little smile. His hood is up. Another trademark, just like the crouching and crawling in shadows.

"So, I need to figure out the source of disruption at your perimeter?"

"You need to figure out who killed our boys and kill them" Victor states. "If you succeed, we have a deal. Exactly the terms you stated."

"How long do I have?"

"A week"


"Anything new at the perimeter?", I ask Vera the moment she enters the basement. I've set up camp here. It's a bit small but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

"Nothing new yet. Security is still strong. It's my turn tonight." Vera replies. "What's all this shit?", she adds looking around the room.

It was bare aside from a camp bed when I first arrived. Now, the floor is packed with stuff.

"These my darling, are magic herbs. Because I'm really a black witch who brews up potions to torture the shit out of people I don't like.", I say packing some stuff in my backpack.

"You're an insane motherfucking bitch", Vera huffs making me laugh.

"Never fucking denied it. I'm tagging along with you. Need to put my cavlry in place."


I sigh and turn to face her, pulling my backpack over my shoulder.
"Your precious Havoc has entrusted me with the task of figuring out what moster is stiring shit up at your perimeter. And if I am to figure anything out I need my cavalry in place. Now, can we stop by Wesley's, grab a sandwich, and be on our way?"

Vera stares at me for a while, then shakes her head.
"We're hitching a ride with Kevin."

Kevin turned out to be a blond bloke with a bright smile. Didn't think I'd find that in Havoc crew. The world is full of surprises!

We hit Wesley's, I grab my grilled chicken sandwich, and then we hit the perimeter. What I figured on the way is what I'd already suspected. All the disruption has been on the boundary with Albany. Lucky me!

We park in the driveway of a tumbling house and walk the rest of the way to a highway in the middle of nowhere.

"Ok, so are you just going to walk around with me? Because I can assure you that'll get you nowhere. We've been doing this shit for a week now and nothing." Vera states.

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