Blow Your Mind

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It's a Sunday and the three Havoc girls have taken residence in the upstairs bedroom with Lara for the day. I'm in the kitchen cooking up lunch with my earphones on.

The girls arrived this morning with Callum. Heather has kind of taken Lara under her wings. They get along well and I can see she feels at peace when the other three are around. So I sent them upstairs to her room and took to cooking lunch for them.

The music is making me want to dance. It has been ages since that happened. Ages since I let my guard down and actually felt safe. And I do feel safe, alone in this house with four little girls, smack dab in the middle of Havoc territory, this is the safest place for me now.

I have made friends here. I've found people who care about me and I've found something akin to home. It's bad. I know. There's no guarantee what Havoc might do with Victor as wary of me as he is. But I can't help but want to stay.

It's a beautiful morning. The sun is bright and it's not too hot. I decided to whip up some lasagna for the girls.
I've just put the two bowls in the oven when there's a resounding crash from the entrance hall.

My instincts kick in. But my guards were down. And I just barely make it behind the table before five figure are onto me with guns.

They haven't caught me completely off guard though. Years of captivity has left me paranoid. Sometimes I don't really know if it's a blessing or a curse.

In a matter of seconds I get the bottom counter open and smash two bombs on the floor beyond the counter right at the five men.

The explosion that follows shakes the entire house. I fly forward and bang my head against the opposite wall. Black spots appear in my vision but I force my self to stay conscious.

It is a solid few minutes before I can regain the strength to get up. The five intruders are dead. They are beyond recognition but I do manage to spot the shadow mask tattooed on one of their necks.

I leave them their, grab a gun in each hand and stagger into the entrance hall. The front door has been kicked off it's hinges. There's nobody else in sight.

The girls have had the good sense to remain upstairs. It takes me quite a while to collect the lasers and climb the steps. I set the lasers on the door frame of the upstairs hall and then make my way to Lara's room.

The door is locked. I knock.

"It's me Heather. Open the door"

There's a scrambling and the door is flung open. I step in to find Heather holding a gun steadily.

"It's alright", I tell her with a small smile. "I'll take over."

The two younger girls are huddled together in the bed with Kara guardian their views.

Lara tries to free herself when she hears my voice.
"Stay like that Lara", I warn her and Kara keeps her hold firm.

"You're hurt", Heather says approaching me. I can feel the blood dripping down the side of my face.

"I'll be fine. You need to call your sister and let her know what happened."

"I called her already. She's coming. But what did happen?"

"Five men with guns. I had to bomb them. The kitchen's a disaster. Didn't have much of an option."

"Heather!", Bernadette's panicked voice sounds from downstairs.
She goes to rush out of the room. But I grab her and switch off the lasers before letting her go. She rushes downstairs along with Kara and Ashley. I take Lara's hand and follow them down much more slowly.

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